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deep by Savage [web] & MCD [web]

     Deep                                                SAVAGE-MCD'99 │
   │ (■) TECH iNFO
   │ The intro without any parameter, will attempt to set 320x200x24bpp
   │ If you want to run in any other video mode, see command line options.
   │ Sound Card support: GUS, Sound Plasters, Interwave, PcSpeaker, NoSound
   │ Deep means: "Donde Esta El Pato" in spanish.
   │ The size of the party version was 65.475 bytes
   │ Raytracer        :       bp
   │ Whirls           :       Dr. Pain
   │ Vesa Library     :       Dr. Pitch
   │ Particle system  :       ccm
   │ Font/Title GFX   :       Trace/MCD
   │ Music            :       Smash!
   │ PMODE/W by Charles Scheffold & Thomas Pytel
   │ USM Play v1.1 beta by FreddyV/Useless
   │ (■) GREETINGS (in alphabetical order?)
   │ anaconda, mcd, wild bits, tlotb, electra, cosa nostra, zoran,
   │ CuC Makers, pam-to-maka, crashnet, unknown, digital spirits, orange,
   │ melting pot, k!prod, orange juice, complex, noice, alien, difteria,
   │ inside, virtual zone, incognita, iguana, imago, the dark rising, parallax,
   │ wavemakers, cimedia, night shift soldiers, movedata, dosis, centolos,
   │ capsule, ozone, god's maze, useless, imphobia, phymosis, cod, genesis, 
   │ dSK!, infinite darkness, bioxphere.
   │ and all the remaining spanish demoscene groups :P
   │ (■) KNOWN BUGS
   │   * It hangs under win95-98-nt
   │ (■) LEGAL STUFF
   │   * You must run this demo at your own risk. We're not responsible on
   │     any damage your computer might take from running this demo!
   │     No money can be charged for this in any way.
   │     You cannot modify any file in this package.
   │     If you don't respect this copyright you'll go to the hell.
   │   * When you press Escape, you exit the intro!!! (wow)
   │     Grey plus : increases timer speed
   │     Grey minus: decreases timer speed
   │     Can you find the hidden part??? (there isn't hidden part, but you
   │	 can always try to find it)
   │ (■) SAVAGE iNFO
   │   * Members
   │      Blue Phantom ... Raimon Ràfols ......... Coder
   │      CCM ............ Carlos Carrasco ....... Coder
   │      Dr. Pain ....... Miquel Barceló ........ Coder
   │      Dr. Pitch ...... Enric Agut ............ Coder
   │      FloOd .......... Johan Flood ........... GFXMan    
   │      Mad Knight ..... Oriol Galera .......... GFXMan
   │      Smash! ......... Ramon Chacón .......... Musician
   │      Wonder ......... Guillermo Simmross .... Musician
   │      Bujiboi ........ Enric Gamas ........... WebMan
   │   * How 2 contact us?
   │      Blue Phantom -> bp@ati.es
   │      CCM ----------> ccmm@abonados.cplus.es
   │      Dr. Pain -----> mbarceloj@nexo.es
   │      Dr. Pitch ----> e7634217@est.fib.upc.es
   │      FloOd --------> floood@hotmail.com
   │      Mad Knight ---> e39354381@omega.uab.es
   │      Smash! -------> rchf@arrakis.es
   │      Wonder -------> wonder_uniq@hotmail.com
   │      Bujiboi ------> bujiboi@iname.com
   │   * Web:
   │      http://savage.webjump.com
   │ (■) MCD iNFO
   │   * Members
   │      Dr. Kami ...... Tony Cabello ........... Coder
   │      Trace ......... Ricardo Cabello ........ GFXMan
   │      chc ........... Jorge Cabezas .......... Coder
   │      Marathon Man .. Ramon Canals ........... Coder/Musician
   │      Firelord ...... Pau Estalella .......... Coder
   │   * How 2 contact them?
   │      Trace --------> trace_mcd@hotmail.com
   │      Dr. Kami -----> is05678@salleURL.edu
   │      Marathon Man -> marathon_man@hotmail.com
   │      chc ----------> chc@redestb.es
   │      Firelord -----> e7614718@est.fib.upc.es
   │   * Web:
   │      http://www.salleurl.edu/~is05678/mcd.html
     SAVAGE-MCD'99                                                Deep │
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