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Side FX by Nah-Kolor [web]

                                S i d e F X

                        N A H - K O L O R  1 9 9 8

Code:  Metal Designer

C2P:   Scout, Zer0 
Gfx:   Alive, Fra, Lowlife, Made, Unreal

Sound: Dreamer

Dedicated to the sister of lousy mess.

Thanx to all dudes ever helped me in coding: 

Scout, Hedgehog, Dig-It, Rubberduck, Touchstone, Jamie

Hoblas to #amigaita, #amigascne, #demo-ita

Respect for God, my family, my neocatecumenal comunity, all my friends,
Prodigy, Red Hot Chili Peppers!

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