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Incoherent by Carrots

   incoherent by carrots (fixed version 1.1)

   about the demo

   this demo was created from 2 june to 5 july 97 for buenzli 5 256kb intro
   compo. it was meant to be a patchwork-like intro. we created the graphical
   effects individually and assembled them at 4 and 5 july. that's why we
   call it "incoherent".

   minimum requirement is                                           80486/66
   for synced replay                                                p5/75

   excuse the bad timing/synchronisation, but we didn't have the time to
   do it (we assembled the effects one hour before deadline). this will be
   better in our next intro :)

   thanks to 'Big Bear/Fake That' and 'Fred/Calodox' for reporting the bug
   in our last version and testing inco 1.1.

   about carrots

   we officially founded our group at 8 june 97. the name was a suggestion by
   our organisator J-freak and refers to our native canton.

   our goal is to disseminate our most important message: "dost thou feel
   regret with thy carrots?"

   members of carrots (alphabetical)

   dark fader   df   simon zeller            78    code, music
   Gysh         gsh  mathias mauch           77    music
   J-freak      jf   joel gautschi           79    code, organisation
   P. DooM      pd   peter kaufmann          80    code
   rain         rn   tobias kaufmann         78    code
   tarzeau      tar  guerkan senguen         78    code, organisation
   thayer       thy  florian giezendanner    79    code, graphics

   contact us

   inet        email    Gysh           gysh@cyberdude.com
                        J-freak        j-freak@space.ch
                        P. DooM        kaufmann@pop.agri.ch
                        rain           kaufmann@pop.agri.ch
                        tarzeau        gurke@iname.com

               irc      #chscene
               www      P. DooM's homepage

   bbs                  the lycaeum (sysop: chicken) +41 (0)41 484 32 89
                        write to J-FREAK
   address              Joel Gautschi
                        Sagerain 375
                        CH-5044 Schlossrued

   dark fader greets, loves and thanks

   Gysh greets, loves and thanks

   J-freak greets, loves and thanks
   .Furball.Chicken.Big Bear.Gargamel.Voodoo.Phred.Asc.Zaphod.Zpider.Zengo.
   .Fake That.Nowadays.Calodox.

   P. DooM greets, loves and thanks

   rain greets eliane zweifel

   tarzeau (spoken like this -> [tar'so:]) greets, loves and thanks 

   thayer greets, loves and thanks
   .harry hassler.nik.   


   cr_inco.zip    jul 97   our first release
                           256k intro for buenzli 5
                           pentium/75+, sb/gus/nosound
                           ranked 1. at buenzli 5!

   legal stuff

   (c) copyright 1997, all rights reserved by carrots

   this material is not freeware. you are allowed to copy and perform it for
   non-commercial use.
   this program or the data files contained therein may not be altered or
   modified without the permission of the author.
   no payment of any kind may be charged for this product or any combination
   of products or services including this product without our authorization.
   as a user you take full responsibility for the operation of this software
   and any consequences thereof. we the creators can not accept liability for
   damages or failures arising from the use of this software.
   all product names, trademarks and registered trademarks contained in this
   document are the property of their respective holders.

   buenzli 5 organizers are hereby given the right to use this product on the
   party's cd-rom :)

   final words

   dost thou feel regret with thy carrots?

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