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crolyx-ny2425k greetz by Crolyx

 crolyx team 2004-2005 software rendered new year greetings

 sys.req 1.5GHz mmx embded cpu (iP133MMX min =), 64Ram (ddr is better), etc...

 due lack of time, etc... this stuff runs extremly slow =) sorry

 code/sound/design - xiod <gramoteyev.dmitry@gmail.com>
 gfx/modelling - lynx v. <lynx_v@tut.by>
 design/additional code - crock <cr0ck@tut.by>

 HAPPY NEW YEAR 2005 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 special grtz to all exUSSR demosceners

  elki.bmp is a (C) of lynx v. =]
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