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"Aliens Ate My Demomaker" - breakpoint 2005 invitation by mfx [web] & Kewlers [web]

"Aliens Ate My Demomaker"

The Breakpoint 2005 Invitation

by Mfx & Kewlers


uncle-x: code, design, graphics
little bitchard: music
synteesi: additional graphics, animations
curly brace: engine code and support
don: 3d models
wayfinder: 3d models

thanks to scamp, dixan and droid for testing support.


a fast computer with a good gfx card. Runs quite nicely on a radeon9600 but   should also work on GF3 and similar.

official info:

Breakpoint 2005
Bingen am Rhein (Germany)
Easter Weekend 2005 - 25.3.-28.3.2005

see http://breakpoint.untergrund.net/ for more and uptodate info.

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