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Nervous Breakdown, Part I by Optic Nerve & MRi [web]

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 l        Kon ichi wa!                            \
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 |  We are proud to present our first prod -       |
 |  Nervous Breakdown, Part I -  to you.           |
 |  This ModDisk shows some of our talents         |__
 |  in arts category. We hope that you'll enjoy    |  \
 |  watching and listening our innovations.        |   l
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 |  But now, just relax, sit back and enjoy...     |   |
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 |  - Optic Nerve 2003                             |   |     .___________
 |                                                 |___|____/            \____________
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 |           .______/             \________________l________   "Have you ever wondered |
 |          l           Credits                             \  why they say that       |
 |          |           -------                              l first birth is          |
 |          |                                                | the hardest one?"       |
 |          |  Code      : izeColt and Kettunen              |                         |
 |          |  Music     : Kettunen                          | "Everybody just tell    |
 |          |  Gfx       : izeColt                           | you so ..."             |
 |          |  Greetings : Artsi[OpNrv], RotatoR[MRi],       |                         |
 l__________|              Mina[MRi], Teemu, Kokis, Sami,    | "But when you face it   |
       |    |              Ari, Raimo, Hannu, JarZki, jene,  | by yourself ..."        |
       |    |              HSy, PasiI, Timpsa ...            |                         |
       |    |              [Razor1911], [Hirmu],             | "Only then you are able |
       |    |              [CNCD], [Triad], [Fairlight],     | to say what it's        |
       |    |              [Camelot], [k3wl d00dz]...        | all about."             |
       |    |              and all the rest of you we        |                         l
       |    |              forgot to mention.                |________________________/
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       | [Optic Nerve] ... Artsi, izeColt        |     |
       |                   Kettunen              |_____|
       |                                         |
       | BASSMOD 1.6   ... Copyright (c) 2003    |
       |                   un4seen developments. |
       |                   all rights reserved.  |
       |                   [www.un4seen.com]     |
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