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KC Munchkin Monochrome Dreams by Relational Framework [web]

**-- KC Munchkin Monochrome Dreams ---**
**Interactive Party demo you can play!**
**Camera follows a dozen characters   **
**through a changing virtual world.   **
**Take control any time! Free orbiting**
**power pellet to enhance demo.       **
**About: Programmed with TRON, a      **
**1982 SuperCharger and the Atari VCS.**
**Program size: 6K (4K+2K ASDK Engine)**
**ASDK Engine: FREE on AtariAge.com   **
**Trivia: 6K VCS games were on Tape!  **
** KCMD is Brought to you by:         **
** Mr SQL and RelationalFramework.com **
** Enjoy! :) :) :)                    **
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