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Chained by Agravedict

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               a presentation by intelligent ants [AgraVeDict]

                                1. Disclaimer

     Authors (AgraVeDict scene group) don't take any responsibility for
   ANY damage which may be caused by this product, physical nor psychical
   The product is SceneWare, which means it can be copied and distributed
    freely, except for putting it on any commercial CD-Rom or any media.
   In case you want to publish our production using any commercial media,
                    please contact us for authorization.

                               2. Requirements

            The production runs perfectly on this configuration:
      Pentium 225MMX, 32MB RAM, S3 ViRGE, Sound Blaster Clone, DOS only

   It should work on any computer with 1MB of graphic memory on card that
     supports linear framebuffering, any processor with implemented MMX
                instruction and should work with 16MB of RAM

                                 3. Credits

         Main code: -=ð=- Bayger
   Additional code: -=ð=- Shredder
          Graphics: -=ð=- Still
             Music: -=ð=- Hex
         3D Scenes: -=ð=- Neuroup
            Design: -=ð=- Shredder, Bayger, Neuroup
                          (inspired by Hex's music)
        Ansi/ascii: -=ð=- Insect

                          4. More precise credits:

   Bayger made:
   + Structure of demo
   + "Dragon 3D" Software Rendering Engine
   + Blur and Flash effects
   + Final "Water/River" effect
   + Some touches to graphics and textures

   Shredder made:
   + "Snake's Hay" Software Raytracing Engine
   + Some textures and modifications to graphics

   Still made:
   + Great opening logos ("AgraVeDict" and "Chained")
   + Some textures

   Hex made:
   + Inspiring background theme

   Neuroup made:
   + "Core of your machine" scene
   + "Lone scener's room" scene
   + Some textures

   Insect made:
   + ansi and ascii art

                                 5. Contact

                    Bayger: bayger@agravedict.art.pl
                  Shredder: shredder@mail.euro-soft.com.pl
                     Still: still@agravedict.art.pl
                       Hex: hexavd@box43.gnet.pl
                   Neuroup: neuroup@agravedict.art.pl

             Group's Website: http://www.agravedict.art.pl
                 Group's FTP: ftp://ftp.agravedict.art.pl

                              6. Closing words

  Well... It's our first production, so don't expect nothing great. The code
  is mainly C, but  time-critical parts  were written in  assembly language.

             And thanx to Inferno... you know for what!!! ;-))))
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