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Fury by Mystic Bytes [web]

  - atari falcon - atari falcon - atari falcon - atari falcon - atari falcon - 

            .)\\----( mYSTiC - bYTES )----//(.            proudly presents..                
            |   ______                       :                           
  ___  ____ |___\__   \. ____    _______  ___| ____        "F-U-R-Y" 4ktro            
./  _\/   /./     /    |/   /____\     /_/   |/  _/_____   
|   \   _  |_    /|  __|_       /.      /    |   \     /.  released at the
|____\  /__:/________\ :/________|______\    |___/______|  
      \/    :                  t^/lp! /______|           QuaST Copy Party '98 
            |    ______                      |             (Elblag/POLAND) 
   _____    : ___\__   \.________  _________ :____           
._\_  /_____/     /    |\      /_/ _      /./   /_____      code..sqward
 |  /       /._   /|  __|        /  /_____/ :_        /.            
 l__\________|/_______\ /________\__________:/_________|  as usual: DO NOT               
            :                                :           forget to write us!          
            |_ _                          _ _|                            
            :///--------------------------\\\:            greymb@kki.net.pl         

  - atari falcon - atari falcon - atari falcon - atari falcon - atari falcon - 
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