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Water My Grey Beard by Loonies [web] & Struts

"Water My Grey Beard" by Loonies and Struts

A commentary on "Grade My Waterbear" by Scoopex

Presented in the 40k intro compo at Gerp 2023

Code by Blueberry
Music and font by Notorious
Texture by Farfar

Uses Light Speed Player by Leonard.

In "Grade My Waterbear", Photon demonstrates a full-height
4x4 copperchunky with 50 colors per line, plus a varying
background color. In the accompanying readme (and several
Pouet comments), he argues that 51 colors per line is the
optimal number one can achieve for a 4x4 copperchunky on
OCS, and that this display mode is thus maximized and
never will be seen wider than that.

This intro shows that 54 colors per line is achievable.
Like in the Scoopex demo, it's a generally useful RGB
chunky mode for OCS that can be updated at any framerate.
No involvement from the CPU is needed during the frame to
maintain the display. No sprites are needed. The chunky
display can be placed at (almost) any horizontal position.
The memory layout of the chunky pixels is fully linear.

The technique uses the OCS 7 bitplane trick, so it doesn't
work on AGA. But showing a wide copperchunky is trivial to
do on AGA anyway, so any demo using this technique that
wants to also work on AGA could do so via separate code.
For this proof of concept, I didn't bother. So don't run
it on AGA.

Have fun reverse engineering my copper lists. :)

 - Blueberry, January 2023

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