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HeartCore by Red Sector Inc. [web]

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       --/--   r E D   s E C T O R   i N C   1 9 8 5   -   2 O 1 6   --/--


         :: HeartCore Flashtro presented at Outline 2016 Netherlands ::


              Credits : 
             .fla + gfx : SnC
             .sfx       : Geir Tjelta 
             .nfo       : SnC


 Short notice to this flashtro:
 Viewport is optimized for Windowed mode in 900 x 600 pixels resolution.
 Fullscreening this flashtro might bring performance down on some older PCs.
 Greetings to: 
 BReWErS CODEX Conscience Flush Lineout Mandarine Onslaught
 Paranoimia Quartex Rebels Razor1911 RiOT Resistance Titan and everyone at Outline!

 Find us here:
 rsi.untergrund.net :: twitter.com/red_sector_inc :: facebook.com/redsectorinc 
 :: ircnet :: RSI asciilogo by xz/DS :: 

                             \                       /
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