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greetz-tro by Lamers [web]

      .+DDDDDDDDDDFP.         '.            ..::[ at0m & lamesoft ]::..
     :?DDDDDDDDDDDN.           Ib.      __    _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
   .~=DDDDDDDDDDDDDN.          :77b.   |  |  |  _  |     |   __| __  |   __|
  .dID77DDDDDD888Zb,.         :dDD?~.  |  |__|     | | | |   __|    -|__   |
 .O,=""-T88DDD888ZDb=..      .7DDDDb.  |_____|__|__|_|_|_|_____|__|__|_____|
 .'      .=7Z88ZF^^"ODDo=+=:ADD8DND8I.                              ...
           .787:'   '~OO88O88DDDDDDDD:                              ..
           .:D,.      +O8888DDDDDDDDD:                             .
            .I8?..    ,$8888DDDDDDDNII.      .<< P R E S E N T S << 
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:$u.. ..~dDDD88888DDDP'   '-.VMDDDDDO.     ...         _         _
.?D8DOODD88D88D8DDD,"        '"7DDOZ?. ___ ___ ___ ___| |_ ___  | |_ ___ ___
 .?DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD.           "qDD$. | . |  _| ._| ._|  _|- _|=|  _|  _| . |
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    '=DDDDDDDDDDDDb.            .'    |___|
          .VDDdDD88OOb.....           ..:: [ released at 
              .YVDDDODDd+'                             GARAZ PARTY ]  ::...
                   ''""'                  [26.04.2014]
._____________________________________/\  _________________________________.

                              ..:: [ credits ] ::..
                           idea, gfx & code: at0m
                                      music: lamesoft 	
                        ..:: [ hardware requirements ] ::..
                           68000 / 1MB Chip RAM / KS 1.3			                  
                             ..:: [for UAE users]  ::..
             Make sure that the Sound Buffer Size option is set to 1
                  to get full synchronization with the music.
                      ..:: lamers, podaj to co najlepRZe ::..
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