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Still Rising by Vanity [web]

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.########     ####        .             #########.       ( Cod:Hicks - Ghb:Beb - Mst:UltraSyd ) 
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                                                                                         #### .#### 
 * April 2013, Vanity is still in da house - Wallowed in your best chair *               #########'

                        A new Amstrad CPC "1337-c0wB0yz" piece of art with a
                        bunch of World Records inside. Work started mid 2010 
                        Made with lot of sweat, tears and huge erections !!!
                    Everything fits in memory, because trackloading is for pussy

                  !!! Take care buddy, you have to watch this on real hardware !!!
                     Emulators ruins graphics, musics and eat all your children
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