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Jurassic Pack #09 by Scarab [web]

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                       Jurassic Pack - The Lost Diskmag


                         Code by Mr.Tickle of Darkage
 The Main Editors Twins: Zito & Ghandy of Scarab or the other way round ;-)
                       Co-Editor: Gone of Scarab^Void
      Panels by Budgie of 100% Prophets, Most Cliparts by Malmis/Nature
     Titlepictures by Bridgeclaw/Darkage^Gods & Asarhad/Corrosion^Reason
           Modules by Reed/Damage, Factor6/Reason, Doc Mike/Moods,
                         Mice/Zenon and LCR/Reason

                        Intro Coded By AcidRain/TPA
                 Gallery Coded By Stingray/Scarab^Scoopex
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