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NetText #1 by Sonik Clique [web]

              /            ____________________    \  __________
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            \   \      :   \    \/\   \    \/\   \    \    \ V
  ___________\   \_______   \   /_ \   \    \ \   \    \    \:____________
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/  \     /\ \\                \/         \    \ \   \    \           \\ \  \
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               .                              \    V/               .  
                                               \  /:                   (OxD)

			      Proudly Presents:

		   N E T - T E X T   I S S U E   O N E !

     Welcome to the very first issue of net-text! This is a "mini-diskmag"
     with text from many different sources. Hopefully you will not have 
     seen any of this text on the Amiga before, as none of it was taken
     from Amiga sources. Most of the articles were taken from an on-line
     news facility on JANET, the Joint Academic Network, while others were
     passed on from friends over the E-Mail system.

     Now the credits for this marvellous production!:

	- produced, edited and compiled by POD

	- logo by Oxide

	- music by Stargazer/TSB from "Sonic New Year Demo"

	- intro by Deflector, Oxide and Murk

	- program selector & powerpacker by Nico Francis

	- articles contributed by: JANET (!)
				   RamRaider / WRATH
				   Shortie / SONIC
				   Kevin The Fruitbat

    This is not meant to be a well-coded technical demo - note the use of
    the special coding techniques, such as invisible plasma and novectors.
    Its text and text only - so read it, enjoy it and spread it!

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