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Awaken preview by Cobra

 preView of ....
     \\                                    //\\            //
      \\                                  //  \\          //
       \\_/\   __ /\__ /\   ___/\  .___._/\   _\\/\ .____/\
      /     \ |  |    |  \ /     \ |   |  /  /  __/ |      \
    ./   /   |/    \     //   /   |/      \./   __|_|   /  /
    |   /    |\_____\___\|___/____|\____|__\________|___|__\
    \         \                      //           \\  //
     \__|______\       A.W.A.K.E.N  //             \\//
             \\    //\\            //                    BNr/IPC (`99)
              \\  //  \\          //
               \\//    \\  //\\  //
                        \\//  \\//

                  by Cobra.....
 cOde: Mayonez
  gfx: Mayonez & Vulgar

 no music!
 just few screens...

 - Awak_pre.prg (preview presented on EIL'99)
 - Head.tos     (just one animation)
 - burning1.prg (burning effect)
 - Env2,3,4     (env mapping 300-700 faces)
 - flip&rgb     (poor true color mode 4096 colours)
 - landsc       (poor landscape effect)
 - tunnel       (just tunnel)

 Cobra 1999-2oo1
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