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overdose by Digital Devotion

         _ _      _ _        _      _             _   _          
      __| (_)__ _(_) |_ __ _| |  __| |_____ _____| |_(_)___ _ _  
     / _` | / _` | |  _/ _` | | / _` / -_) V / _ \  _| / _ \ ' \ 
     \__,_|_\__, |_|\__\__,_|_| \__,_\___|\_/\___/\__|_\___/_||_|
            |___/ striking back once again...  

                          (party version)
                             4kb intro

                         DIGITAL DEVOTION
                          Dreamhack 2004



       this software is freeware.  however this does not mean
       it is free software. although it is available for free
       the authors retain the full copyright.this software is
       free to spread and copy as much as u want.
       when  redistributing you may not  modify the intro and
       any associated data.

       the software is provided as is,  without any kind of

       * windows operating system
       * windows xp (party version only)
       * opengl compatible graphics accelerator
       * windows compatible soundcard
       * fast central processing unit (proposal: amd)


     .some greets

       haujobb,  fairlight,  conspiracy, farbrausch, kewlers,
       maturefurk,  noice, unique, equinox, aardbei,  addict,
       amuq, calodox, faktory, foobug, freestyle, kolor, matt
       current, moppi productions, stockholm syndrom,  tpolm,
       haquebright, stravaganza, fyllecell, kakmonsterklubben,
       berzerk studios.

       d.zannotti@tin.it                              (dylan)
       lithis@x-dump.com                             (lithis)
       buzz@home.bazz.nu                             (buzzie)
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