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Anger by Eastgate

                                       the butterfly sleeps well
                                          perched on the temple bell ...
                                             until it rings.

───.what's up.─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────

'anger' by eastgate

this demo accidentaly won the yalp '98 demo compo. thanx to everyone who
voted; special thanks to those who gave feedback & support. meet us again
on these paths of miracles.

this is the final version of the demo.


requirements: 16M memory
recommendations: vesa2.0, sound card... made on p166.
excitement: p233, fast disk, lots of memory, clean boot

anger will, by default, autodetect sound & gfx mode. if you, however,
want full control over sound setup and the wider choice of vesa modes,
you can run it with any param on the command line ('anger is a gift',
for example ;)) to get setup menus.

please note that the native video mode for this program is 320x200x32bit
and everything else is just a patch for lame gfx cards.

when run for the first time, a file with precalculation data will be
created in anger's dir, allowing the demo to startup faster next time.
it is recommended not to delete this file, although it isn't required
for the demo to run. on my machine, startup time is 7 seconds with
precalc file already made and 15 seconds when first time run.

the demo will run under win95, but will not be happy with it.
it's a dos program. optimal config is clean boot. qemm kills.

it seems as it still has some bugs, maybe noticable after hitting esc.
we chose to rather leave it that way thus saving coding hours for the
next project, than tweak the same code all over again. a lot of bugs
are killed already, the syncing is improved, and total file size
reduced greatly compared to the party version.

───.who and why.───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────

yooyo:       engine
             (3dvector engine code, scene setup, animation,
             vesa handling, file management)

dm           art direction
             ('2d' effects, syncing, text, video edit, gfx)

the bug boy  score composing
             (original tune that is the first 2 mins of actual soundtrack)

mr.shoom     orchestra conduction
             (extended remix & additional vocals & lyrics for the final tune)

cozy mc      superstar
             (main video act, the code that isn't in the demo :))

all members of eastgate.

───.immense thanx must go to the following:

dmilos for major matrix math support
max computers for the video capture card
cozy mc's girlfriend simona for the camera
vladimir danjko (bata) for the head we twisted ;)
radmila for keeping yooyo: happy
housemarque for midas sound system
tran for pmode extender
mpeg software simulation group
   for the original mpeg player (hacked by dm)
thomas g. lane / independent jpeg group
   for jpeg reader (hacked by yooyo:)
bass cadet - the author of the '96 4ch mod 'ambitious'
   from which some cool vocal samples were ripped
mindescape for the yalp organizing
various internet resources for:
   the cat object mesh (other meshes by yooyo: & dm)
   chemical bros single cover and naomi's face used in gfx
our families
our friends
not the government
blah blah

i would like to point out to anyone ignorant enough to have a doubt:
no code ripping here. everything we didn't do is credited above.
fuck lamers.


this demo is made in serbia. that's a hard thing to do. :)

all the emails and stuff can be found on our home page, so better check:



we are terribly sorry if anyone's copyright is fucked by this production.
we didn't mean to, really.

we are not to be held responsible, though we would be xtremely sorry if this
demo or any included files or whatever happens to your whatever...

you are the master of your own destiny and let the light be your guide.


                                                dm / eastgate, 06. june '98.

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