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No, We Ain't Dead Yet by Xtatic

          Xtatic presents ...
        A little package for ya
        ▄▓██▄   ▄▓██▄  ▄█▓▀▀▓▄
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        ▐███▌  ▀▄███▄ ▓█▄   ▄█▓
        ▓███▓ gb▐███▓ ▐█▓█████▒
         ▀▀▀     ▀▀▀    ▀▀▀▀▀
        "No, we ain't dead yet"
          A six course BBStro
          meal with delicious

MMMM. And you thought that Italian cooking was tasty, oh, how wrong
you are. The yummy unoptimized, fat and slothful source of xtatic is
a condiment which suits any meal, or any dish :)

Well, somebody was asking me for source to some of the old BBSTRos we had
made... I scrounged around through my hard disk, found a BBSTRo that I'd
never released (Central Park West), even though the guy had been using it
on his BBS for a few years [I think it's probably shut down now], and some
old ASM source from when I used to code in 100% ASM.

Scrounging around some more on old disks and things, I found a REALLY old
BBSTRo I never released for a BBS called Colosseum, it is included. Then
I found another oldie with the good old copper bars, using an ANSi I drew
waaaaay long ago when I was in Neural Image Syndicate (NIS)... ah nostalgia.

There's the start of a 4k intro there - I didn't get very far...

So this source is released into the public domain, use it, abuse it, blah
blah, I don't really care anymore, you can even rip it if you want to, its
your loss, not mine. Think how much better you'll feel if you actually
understand this code, and can supersede it, rather than just using it as it

Also included is the point zero BBSTRo which is a recylced version of the
stars effect in the old xtatic demo 'divergence'. 100% asm source for that
is also included.

Some info:

Central Park West -
Ok, the singen.pas file generates three files : s1, s2 and rt
These three files need to be converted to INC files by bin2db or similar
which the cpw.asm includes and uses.

Also included is the original RAD file by Legend as well as the original
ANSi file for the end screen.

A make.bat is also there - it requires TASM and TLINK.

Organized Kaos -
I can't say much about this BBSTRo, as Random did virtually all the code.
I think he explained to me how the background was done once, but I forget :)
Random always indented and commented his code anyway, so its not hard to read.
There's some interesting code to set 80x28 text mode, which I wrote while
working on ForceView/2 for the ANSi group Force.

Included in there are the old ANSi end screen for the originally released
version of this intro, plus the ANSi for the _NEW_ version, and some other
assorted ANSi files.

The original music isn't in there, as it comes with the RAD package.

Colosseum -
Well, this was done in a hurry, I think an hour or so, just so the guy could
have a BBSTRo, he seemed pretty pleased with it, despite its simplicity. I
guess having an ansi with music playing plus a scrolly is better than just
an ansi, eh?

Source is included, but there's not much to it :)

Black Knights -
Well, this was my first ever attempt at 100% ASM coding, as the original.diz
file will tell you. It was also one of my first attempts at drawing ansi,
and this hardly got distributed at all...

Again, source is included, for history sake ;)

4K intro -
This was the start of a 4kilobyte intro I was writing for a competition...
I didn't get very far. Still the background generation may be of use for
someone, its fairly small code, and its not completely boring ;)

There's also another file in there with a multiplying trick that was used
in the oooooooold days before Pentiums...

Point Zero -
This effect we originally used in our Divergence demo (100% ASM), being such
a cool effect, we ripped it out, grabbed some stock-standard scrolly source
whacked it in with some ANSi and a secret part [look carefully at the code],
and voila, instant BBSTRo.

Gehenna -
Well, this was an old BBSTRo Legend did in Pascal <grin>, we never released
it, but I think it was used for a while. No source I'm afraid, Legend would
be too embarassed :). Who said trackers can't code :)

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