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Compo Filler by Torment [web]

| Sundown 2013 - Some compo filler :)  |
|                                      |
| put together for the oldschool compo |
| at Sundown 2013, here is another tiny|
| screen with more old code, but new   |
| music :)                             |
|                                      |
| code: gnd. spiny                     |
| music: rhino (using megatizer)       |
| gfx: spiny                           |
|                                      |
| due to me (spiny) being busy for the |
| week before Sundown, this is even    |
| more rushed than usual, but it was   |
| fun to make, if a little frantic at  |
| times.  I did have plans to update it|
| slightly for a 'release' version, but|
| I'm simply too busy right now, plus  |
| I'm not sure what improvements I can |
| realistically make to make it better!|
| so this is as it was shown at the    |
| party place, it does wander out of   |
| sync after a few loops though.       |
|                                      |
| Also in this archive is the megatizer|
| tune, in case you just want to listen|
| and not watch, I'll understand :)    |
|                                      |
| greets to Ruari and all the other    |
| orgs for organising yet another top  |
| party, and to all the other people   |
| here. It was a brilliant weekend :)  |
|                                      |
| thats it for now :)  12/09/2013      |
|                                      |
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