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Starwarz by Delusions

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░░░░░░░░▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓████████ NEW ZEALAND ████████▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒░░░░░░░░

Okay, well just a little bit of info in here on the intro. The music is
automatically set to mix at 22khz, since the music system is quite fast
I thought you might as well not bother with the normal boring mixing speed
selection. You still need quite a fast computer (works fine on my 386 sx 33)
to power the intro as it has some quite labourious things in it that take
a lot of CPU time, but it looks nice.  
The sound system only supports SB/Pro/16bit, so sorry if you don't own one
of these as you are missing out on a nice piece of musik and a cool flying
sounz effect with the ship.
Make sure you select the right DMA channel, otherwise things might get a bit
hairy. BTW: NMS doesn't support IRQ 10.

I just HAVE to give my thanks to the other members of Delusions who helped
me make this thing, as it wouldn't have been ANY good without the great
support and work. Many thanks to Mahlzahn for his artwork and time spent
chasing around after the palette :), and UPMOST thanks to Fantazar for spending
hours running around after my mistakes, he is the one who created the COOL
stereo effect for the ship.

If you want to contact me or any other member of Delusions Nz, then ring this
choice board

	Silicon Tattoo  -  (64)-9-6265622     14.4k USRobotics
			-  (64)-9-6265614     16.8k Zyxel

And leave us mail. If you are interested in getting your mitts on the Sound
system OBJ code, then that will be available in a few weeks, along with some
VGA intro source to show u how to implement it(A lot like STMIK), it features
4/6/8 channel mod support, all Sound blaster cards support(in stereo where
applicable) and is VERY fast. 

PS: If you experience problems with Sound Blaster 16 support, please contact
me as I recently lost my SB16 I cant be 100% sure it is working 100% perfect.
But it was last time I tested it..(I think heh)

Last note: You havn't heard good computer sound unless you've heard a GUS.

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