Tron 95 by Abyss [web]
Tron'95 V1.0 ------------ Just another simple TRON-clone. Only a two player mode is supported. To start the game press 'F1-F4' for different play-areas. You can only use 2 Joysticks to play the game. (No keys, or mouse!) This game should only be started from -AGA- computers. Maybe it will run from a plain A500 (with some small display-bugs?!?). If you like this game then please send me some E-MAIL. I will include any (usefull) suggestions from you. How to play: ?? Now comments. Use the fire-button the accelerate your 'light-cycle'. History: - First line of code: 4.9.1995 - Last line of code: 5.9.1995 - Release date: 6.9.1995 Credits: Code/GFX/Music/Sfx: Manfred Linzner aka Pink/abYSs Sound-Replay: Bastian Spiegel aka Twice/LEGO (thanks!) E-Mail: PINK@FORTRESS.INSIDER.SUB.DE or write to: Manfred Linzner Rupert-Mayer-Str. 6 81379 Muenchen -Germany-
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