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Nightshift Motion Graphics Billboard

11/15/2006 Build 440 IAF.3 Version

* Engine : Sublayer system 
* Fixed : Canvas lock error on output ( GDI related  )
* Added : Layer order //
          Drag / Drop interface for changing the order of layers

9/14/2006 Build 430- 32 bit version

* Engine : Motion Engine is now multi-threaded.
* Engine : Switched engine to g32 . All layers contains RGBA data.
* Added : Rasterizer support for layers
* Added : Full alpha channel support
* Added : import PSD files with layers / properties.
* Optimized : *2 Faster engine , gr32 layers used as framework.
* Added : Transformation:Resize layers in realtime.
* Added : Transformation:Rotate layers ²n realtime.
* Fixed : Several bugs related to engine conversion.
* Fixed : tproject is now aware of new layer features :)
* Added : using GraphicEx library , following file types are available for layers.

        Alias/Wavefront images (*.rla; *.rpf)
        Autodesk images (*.cel; *.pic)
        Dr. Halo images (*.cut)
        Encapsulated Postscript images (*.eps)
        JPG images (*.jfif; *.jpe; *.jpeg; *.jpg)
        Kodak Photo-CD images (*.pcd)
        Paintshop Pro images (*.psp)
        Photoshop images (*.pdd; *.psd)|
        Portable map images (*.pbm; *.pgm; *.ppm)
        Portable network graphic images (*.png)
        SGI images (*.bw; *.rgb; *.rgba; *.sgi)
        Tagged image file format images (*.fax; *.tif; *.tiff)
        Truevision images (*.icb; *.tga; *.vda; *.vst; *.win)
        Windows bitmaps (*.bmp; *.dib; *.rle)
        Windows icons (*.ico)
        Windows metafiles (*.emf; *.wmf)
        ZSoft Paintbrush images (*.pcc; *.pcx; *.scr)

7/22/2006 build 400-

*** Final version before switching engine to 32bit.

* Added : move layer with keyboard. (on focus to project window).
* Added : Export Video : bmp sequence (preliminary)
* Added : CPU Monitor (multi-processor)
* Optimized : Engine code (up to %30 faster now)
* Added : MMX SSE SSE2 SSE3 support (fastmove 3.03)
* Fixed : Project name on project title.
* Fixed : Project Window and output size.
* Fixed : Several bugfixes related to TProject. (memory leak)
* Todo : global aspect ratio for the Tproject.

7/17/2006 build 384-

* Added : Opacity Control for layers.
* Added : Preview jpeg's are saved to .pmx projects.
* Fixed : Exceptions when you close project from window.
* Fixed : In Stop state, disabled recalculation of inactive layer positions
          on mouse move mode.
          (it is still possible to move layer on animation mode)
* Added : Interlaced property for single layer.
         (%40 faster op and a nice interlace effect)
* Added : Extended Control Panel for active layer.
* Added : Open file @ double click on mainform.

7/17/2006 build 377-

* Added : New blend mode : ColorShift (see hell-alternate.pmx)
* demos : New demos added.
* Fixed : problems with canvas size
* Added : Interlaced mode is now saved to project xml.
* Fixed : List index out of bounds error.
* Fixed : Unable to save project bug when jpegs doesnt exist on disk.
* Added : What's new window.(dbl click to close)
* Added : Re-Compression Support for jpegs.

7/12/2006 build 365-

* Fixed : Exit dialog , modified flag etc.:)
* Todo : Find loop
* added : Pmx remembers last path of projects and images / vids. ( todo : save to registry )
* added : pmx version on project xml.
* Fixed : Save project with active video layer.
* Fixed : Crashes related to ActiveLayer index on new project.
* Todo : problems with canvas size
* Todo : Load video's on projects.
         Directvideo cannot render video from stream,
         workaround : extracting and using vid from temporary space
* Todo : TGA importer
         TIFF importer
* Todo : Bitmap Exporter
         TGA Exporter
         Direct Video Stream encoder

7/11/2006 build 362-

* Added : Experimental video import (avi,mpg,mov,vmw) using direct video
          Mpg and WMV is working fine , AVI (xvid , divx ) causing problems.
* Improved GUI
         Better Layer Frame
         New fonts & GUI elements.
* Fixed : Errors on project loading , improved TPRoject Structure
* Added : Version Resource
* Fixed : Moved font resource initialization to FormCreate.

***** TODO LIST *****

9/14/2006 Build 430- 32 bit version

* Todo : Box Engine (spline) // Emboss
* Todo : Particle Engine
* Todo : Slicer
* Todo : Convolution Effect Layer
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