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Out Of Style [final] by Storm Studios [web] & HellBender Group [web]

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  _____ /___________\__________\__________/  :_________\  /___________\ ____
 _\\                                                                      //_
|       s   t   o   r   m     p   r   o   d   u   c   t   i   o   n   s      |
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|                                 a  n  d                                    |
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|        h   e   l   l   b   e   n   d   e   r      g   r   o   u   p        |
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|                        -= O U T  O F  S T Y L E =-                         |
|                              [CC'000 version]                              |
|                                                                            |
|     --------------------                                                   |
|      They did it again:                                                    |
|     --------------------                                                   |
|     // They                        Geltorn...................code          |
|     // They are                    FatCrazer..........code,design          |
|     // They are so                 Red..................3d models          |
|     // They are so evil            Yuran G.................2d art          |
|     // They are so evil ...        Dr SCSI..................music          |
|     // They are so evil            iCE DraGon..............2d art          |
|     // They are so                 NUR 5D..................2d art          |
|     // They are                    Deeno....................music          |
|     // They                        V.exeR....................help          |
|                                                                            |
|     ---------------------                                                  |
|      You will need this:                                                   |
|     ---------------------                                                  |
|              ▄▄                    Minimum requirements:                   |
|             ▐██▌                   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   |
|             ▐██▌                   1 eye, 1 ear '-(                        |
|             ▐██▌                   Artistic taste                          |
|             ▐██▌                   PC or any compatible system             |
|              ▀▀                    DOS-compatible operating system         |
|              ▄▄                    Soundcard                               |
|              ██                    Videocard                               |
|                                                                            |
|                                    Best viewed with:                       |
|                 ▄▄                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                       |
|         ▄▄▄▄▄    ██                2 eyes, 2 ears 8-)                      |
|         ▀▀▀▀▀     ██               Love to demos                           |
|                    ██              Pentium 200+, MMX                       |
|         ▄▄▄▄▄     ██               VESA 2.0                                |
|         ▀▀▀▀▀    ██                Good soundcard                          |
|                 ▀▀                 16Mb of RAM                             |
|                                                                            |
|     -------------                                                          |
|      We used it:                                                           |
|     -------------                                                          |
|                                    XMPlay 1.6                              |
|                                    Titan 1.1.0                             |
|                                    Watcom C++ 11.0                         |
|     ▄▄▄▄      ▄▄▄▄                 Watcom IDE by Dolphin Software          |
|     ▀▀▀▀      ▀▀▀▀                 OpenPTC/DOS 2.0.8                       |
|           ▄▄                       IMS 0.6                                 |
|           ██                       Fast Tracker II                         |
|           ▀▀                       Adobe Photoshop 5.0                     |
|     ██████████████                 Autodesk 3DStudio Release 2             |
|     ██    ██    ██                 DOS Navigator 1.50                      |
|     ██    ██    ██                 Necromancer's DOS Navigator 2.03        |
|     ██          ██                 Microsoft Windows'95 OSR 2              |
|                                    Microsoft Windows'98 2nd edition        |
|                                    Paintshop Pro 4.10                      |
|                                    WinAMP 2.61                             |
|                                                                            |
|     --------------                                                         |
|      We love you:                                                          |
|     --------------                                                         |
|                                    Groups:                                 |
|                                    ~~~~~~~                                 |
|              Y                     SandS,   UniVerse,   Neon  Ray,  T-Rex, |
|             OOO                    Proxium,  Hellbender  Group,  DDT  Ent, |
|              U                     Virtual   Illusions,  Bytefall,  ANDESA |
|                                    Soft,  Hellraiser  Group,  Throb, Power |
|              A                     Flower  Crew, Accept Corp, Energy Crew, |
|             RRR                    Cyclonus,    Looker    House,  Extreme, |
|              E                     Razzlers,  Thermal  Collapse,  Secular, |
|                                    Galza, Digital Reality, Sigma Group.    |
|              T                     Blasphemy,   Doomsday,  Orange,  Nomad, |
|             HHH                    Bomb!,   Haujobb,   Tpolm,  Hugi  Royal |
|              E                     Family,   Purple,   Trauma,  Sunflower, |
|                                    TRSI,   Loveboat,   DCS,   Nerve  Axis, |
|              B                     Byterapers,  CNCD, Exceed, Future Crew, |
|             EEE                    Gods,  Halcyon, Immortals, Noice, Razor |
|             SSS                    1911,  Orange Juice, Scoopex, The Black |
|              T                     Lotus, Wilby Team.                      |
|                                                                            |
|              O                     PC scene:                               |
|              F                     ~~~~~~~~~                               |
|                                    Programmer,     Windsurf,    Greendrug, |
|              T                     SunmaN,  DoubleStar Labs, Euggie, Royal |
|             HHH                    Ghost,   Madminder,   Tier,  Asman,  Dr |
|              E                     Longman,    Mr    Dsteuz,   FastShadow, |
|                                    SnowCat,    Tarh,   Manwe,   Tangerine, |
|              B                     Warhawk, NoobSaibot, AgentOrange, Flux, |
|             EEE                    IceDragon,   Skibo,  deeno,  WhityJett, |
|             SSS                    Corpse, Iron_Lung, ShereKhan, Sprocket, |
|              T                     Diti,   Jager,   Dark  Templar,  McFly, |
|                                    YoYoshka,   DataStorm,  Monster,  Adok, |
|                                    Random,   Trouble,   Antares,  EvilLex, |
|                                    Prizrak,    Unreal,    Night_,   Sketch |
|                                    Rimanez,  Zmej, V.exeR, Slash, Seltorn, |
|                                    Spock, Nap, Brothomstates, Tim Baga.    |
|                                                                            |
|                                    ZX scene:                               |
|                                    ~~~~~~~~~                               |
|                                    KSA,  CopperFeet,  Welcome,  ZX-Shadow, |
|                                    Phone  Sane,  Visual,  Flying,  Terror, |
|                                    Wolf.                                   |
|                                                                            |
|                                    AMiGA scene:                            |
|                                    ~~~~~~~~~~~~                            |
|                                    XPEh,  GDM, Shin, Ghandy, Sane, Hurtman |
|                                    Joe, RDC, Ganja, Exploder, Visual.      |
|                                                                            |
|                                    Our nonscene friends:                   |
|                                    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                   |
|                                    Taisia, Lomiel, Julia Lopuhina, Miranda |
|                                    The  Moonmaster,  Count  Strahd, Altis, |
|                                    Morgrim,  Rasler, Deathmaster, Theodor, |
|                                    Kiv,   [crz],  Craze,  Muxel,  SubZer0, |
|                                    Arsenium, Kanst, Sanya.                 |
|                                                                            |
|     --------------------------                                             |
|      Some words from authors:                                              |
|     --------------------------                                             |
|                                                                            |
|  FatCrazer (I was writing this during the creation of demo):               |
|                                                                            |
|   Uhm.  Idea  of  this  demo  came to my mind long time ago, even directly |
| after CC'999. We wanted to create killer demo with lots of funny stuff. We |
| tried to create funny demo some time before Bytefall'99, but had failed.   |
|   We  even  started  our  production  and  made  some  parts of demo. Then |
| everything stopped. You know... Lots of time before party... Lazyness...   |
|   So  it  is 31 July. =) It is nearly CC'000, but demo is still not ready. |
| So  idea  of  funny  demo flew away, and now we are creating demo with the |
| same  name  ("Out of Style"), but with totally different style - it is mix |
| of  RipRap by Exceed and Kkowboy,Moralhardcandy,LouisLane. It is very hard |
| to separate last three demos, cause their style is completely the same...  |
|   By  the  way - it is our first attempt to create demo with our new coder |
| Geltorn.  So  biggest  part of awesome code will be his. I am doing design |
| and  composing  demo out of Geltorn's 3dengine, some of his killer effects |
| and my own suxxxy stuff.                                                   |
|   Yuran  G  and  Red  had joined our democreation project yesterday. It is |
| great,  because  they  are  really  great  at  their  jobs!  Oh,  I forgot |
| something...  Music  was  composed by Dr SCSI. I think that it fits demo's |
| style, but needs to be reworked a bit. I will do it later...               |
|   Damn.  First  part of demo is too slow... 19fps. And it is so on Celeron |
| 500.  But  I think, that I should blame not only my shitful code, but also |
| slooooow  videocard  - S3Trio64 rulez forevah! =) Heard from Geltorn, that |
| demo works faster even on Celeron 333, but with TNT2. Heheh.               |
|   Showed  first  part  to  Yuran  G  and Red. Yuran wanted to make it more |
| stylish,  and  Red  liked  it  like  it is. He brought me first 3d model - |
| stone.                                                                     |
|   New  idea  emerges...  We  shouldn't make demo from middle parts - it is |
| very hard to combine different parts then. So creation was begun completly |
| from scratch and design is now made from beginning, part following part.   |
|   Ok.  It  is  7th  August.  Two parts of demo are almost finished. We are |
| working  too  slow...  That  sucks...  I'll  try to kick lazy graphician's |
| asses.  Good  news  is that demo looks fine, it has it unique style. It is |
| not like our previous works (Realm of Inside, Maxidemo). Thanks to V.exeR. |
| He  is  trying  to  make  me  work  harder  by showing me his funny demo - |
| 'X-Bytes II'.                                                              |
|   It  is 11th August. 6 parts are nearly ready. It has almost no design we |
| will  do  it later. Now it is important to finish demo, to see whole work. |
| Hope  to do it as soon as possible. Met Ice Dragon/Hellbender today. He is |
| willing  to help us with art. It is great - his dudes are awesome. BTW, we |
| have 214k of code =) It rocks =)                                           |
|   Naaaaah.  Some  pieces  of Geltorn's code were made for 16bit modes, and |
| some  for  32bit.  It  sucks.  It is hellish to make them work together. I |
| blame the day I started coding this demo =)~                               |
|   Again and again I am crying about our slow progress. 1 part in 1 day. It |
| is as slow as a tortoise. And this parts don't have design. We need 3 days |
| to design demo. Daaaaaaaaamn.... :-E                                       |
|   It  is  12th  August.  New 3d part created. Still needs to be polished - |
| wire part of visuals is buggy. I am waiting for Geltorn to fix it.         |
|   Early morning 13th August. Inserted new part. It is transparency flat 3d |
| field  of  stuff.  Looks  good.  Red  visited  me yesterday. He enjoyed my |
| progress. Now I shall make 'bright' part of demo. It is getting nearer and |
| nearer to the end. I am happy :] But doh... I NEEED to sleep :[~           |
|   1:00.  15th August. Demo looks fine. Now we need to design it. There are |
| no  ideas  for  'bright'  part.  It  looks unfinished. Damn. Yuran is ill. |
| Daaaaamn. And I have lost my InterNet connection. Daaaaamn. :[~            |
|   15:58.  16th August. Got pictures from Ice Dragon. Great art. It will be |
| used  in  demo.  I  am  designing  it  now.  I  wait for remade music from |
| IceDragon. Demo will be not so suxxy... maybe :]                           |
|   18th  August.  Nearly  partytrip.  :]  60% of demo is finished, still we |
| don't  have  music.  But  we have full day, cause our train starts at 1:55 |
| 19th August. Dooohh... }8-P~                                               |
|   18th  August 16:52. 90% ready. No music. HBG's site is not working. Mail |
| with music was lost in cyberspace 8-E~ Now I will finish music... :-[~     |
|   18th August 19:00. 100% ready :-[~ Damn... X-(                           |
|                                                                            |
|__    NFO written by FatCrazer/Storm Studios, ASCII by Skibo/Hellbender   __|
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