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Virtual dream by Mystic Bytes [web]

  wE aLWAYS lOOk fOR oUR         ________/     \________
         dESTINY!      __________\      .____.         /__________
            _____      \              __|    |_____              /
 ._____    /     |____  \        _____\_   .______/__   ______  /________    
 |     \  /      |    \_________/       |  |_        |__\    /__/  ______|___
 |      \/       |     \    |       ____|___/        |   \  /  /   \         |
 |       \       |____  \   |_______        \        |    \/   \    \        |
 |         /     |    |     |       \        \       |          \    \       |
 |_____\  /|     |__________|_________________|______|___________|___________|
 .______\/ |     | ..... __|    |_____     m y s t i c   b y t e s     .......
 |     /___|_____|___    \_   .______/_________________    _______.    :....
 |           \       \_____|  |_         /     _______/___/       |        : 
 |            \       \    |   /        |   _______|_         ____|___     .
 |      |      \_____  \   |            |   \        |________        \
 |       \      \    |     |   ...sK!mB |    \       |        \        \
 |____.         /__________|____________|____________|__________________|(tm)
      |________/              _| \                      |_
                              \  \\  p r e s e n t s     /
                               \_________       ________/

              _______             :               .. :
             /      /             :                : :
            /      /              .___.              :
    _______/      /_____ .________|   |__    ________________________
    \     /      /_____/_|        \     /____\       /      \       /
     \   /      /      __\       \ \   |      \     /   __   \     /______
      \        /       \       ____/   |_      \   /    \     \   /      /
       \      /_________\____\___\_______\________/______\     \________|
  . ... \    / ...................:..................:.. /________/_____. ... .
         \  /      ________._________________  :    ____________  /     |
          \/ ______\       |        \  _____/_____ /      \     \/      |
             \            /_\      \ \   _|       /   __   \     \      |
              \      \   /       ____/   \       /    \     \   \  /    |
               \________/ \____\___\____________/______\     \__ \/_____|
                                  :            :.....  /________/ sK!mB
                                  :            :....:........... . . . .
  wYOBRAZNIA jEST wAZNIEJSZA oD   :                 :....:
    wIEDZY! [aLBERT eINSTEIN]     :                  :


        The number one Polish demo-team strikes back with another 4ktro for the 
  Falcon! This time  we are inviting you  to the 1st virtual Atari world! Would 
  you like to see how it looks? Just double-click on VIRTUAL.PRG and your dream 
  will come true! Welcome to the 1st virtual Atari world! 
 QUIET! Sqward speaks now! 

        "Virtual Dream"  is a little test of my  3d engine (but remember - it's 
 a 1st stage!). It only uses the 030 + 882. Since  I put this nice chip into my 
 machine (FPU) I can't live  without it! (now I understand  you Evil!).  FPU is 
 used  only for camera  calculations. The rest would work without it but Falcon 
 users should >> FINALLY << extend their hardware (just look at Amiga users!!). 
 Of course FPU isn't anything outstanding and  our next demo  will only work on 
 14mb machines for example. Sorry guys!
        Oh, I almost forgot:  The  DSP version of  my 3d engine is  around 3-5x 
 times faster! =). By the way - I am looking for help! Is anybody out there who 
 has the  description of files  with *.3D2 extensions? (CYBER SCULPT). I really 
 need it!  If somebody has it then > PLEASE < send it to Grey's e-mail address! 
 (greymb@kki.net.pl). Thanx a lot!

        I would also like to thank Tat of Avena for his article in Maggie #26 - 
 splines rulez!! 
        And the last note:  I visitied my friend today who (as you would guess) 
 is guy with a pC (mmx technology) and he showed me a new game called "Unreal". 
 It was really  fantastic game  with nice gfx etc. But why  I am talking to you 
 about it? Why do I boast about the pC?? HOLD ON, let me finish! So he shows me 
 the game, shows, shows and shows and... BOOM!! Windows'98 crashed! Hehehehehe, 
 PC rulez I thought! ;))

 Here is my little message to all pC users..

        I laugh in your faces, hehehehehe!. And you should know my breath isn't
 that fresh! ;))
 SHUT UP! Now it's my turn..

        Ohoy folx! Grey is on the keyboard. I just  wonder what  our PC members 
 will say after reading Sqward's message, hmm. I just would like to greet a few 
 ppl from Atari scene. My hand-shakes fly out to:

    ~  Paranoid / PARANOIA (for being such cool mate!)
    ~  Mc Laser / .tSCc. (thanx for all your help with our MSX compil!)
    ~  Ear_X / FUN (I hope to see ya again here! Atari coin-ups kix ass!)
    ~  Ffx / RADIOACTIVE RABBITS (thanx for ST Magazine!)
    ~  Moondog / POETS OF DECAY (for not being abstinent!)
    ~  Mad Butscher / FOUNDATION TWO (for help during my trip to Germany!)
    ~  Baggio / WILDFIRE (for keeping me smiling at QuaST!)
    ~  Deez / MIND DESIGN (for telling me where the ferry-boat in Gdansk is!)
    ~  ST Survivor / Loud! (for help with our 1st ST demo!)
    ~  Thomas / NEW BEAT DEVELOPMENT (for everything!)
    ~  Greeny / 2-LIFE CREW (for giving me Atari Gold CD for free!)
    ~  505 / Checkpoint (for msx to our forthcoming ST demo!)
    ~  No! / ESCAPE (for the nice postcard!)
 respect to:                  
    adrenaline;  avena;  checkpoint;  cobra;  cream;  cruor;  dhs;  escape  
    exa;  exl;  fun;  loud!;  maggie team;  mind design;  nature;  oxygene  
 paranoia;  popsy team;  reservoir gods;  sector one;  syntax;  therapy;  toys  
                 trio;  tscc;  typhoon;  wildfire;  yes crew            

                      ...and to all we have forgotten!
   MYSTIC BYTES                                                A.D. MCMXCVIII
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