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3D-Chaos by Yardie

     3D - Chaos. 3D - Chaos. 3D - Chaos. 3D - Chaos. 3D - Chaos. 3D - Chaos.
                               (Sierpins Gasket)

You must have a pair of 3D Glasses. Or go and grab a bit of blue and red
cellophone plastic-see-through-type paper/stuff. Any sort of 3D glasses will
work fine as long as one eye sees red and the other sees blue.

            ...and look! The Gasket is coming at ya in 3D!!

... Probably a waste of time, but I think that you wouldn't believe the amount
of time that I have spent on this program - first started the algorithm back
in 1994, and since then I have made about 50 different programs doing different
stuff based on Sierpins Gasket, or as I call it, just plain old Chaos.
It is not chaos because it has structure - but then again my algo uses a very
dopey and rough random number generator to generate rough random numbers to
put this together... so maybe it is chaos. Maybe not.

...and yes it does sort of look like an entry that was in the 1997 Christmas
demo compo, but firstly note that I also had a gasket in my dopey entry, and
secondly, take a look at the code!. The bloke who wrote the good Sierpins entry
with the palette and everything knew what he was doing. I dont... and so my
code is extremely sloppy. I reckon it is good. But it is still sloppy.
Just announcing this just in case if someone reckons that I have ripped off
code.  (...Works but not well. Just like my old Sinclair ZX81...)

Bushy. 06-October-1998.
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