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Fårloop by The Gang [web]

         |              | wΣrsch ╖ rul4z |                   |
         |              `----------------'                   |
         |                         ._____         ______     |
   .:::::::::::.......      ___    |    /_______._\    /     |
 :::::::::::::::::::::::.._|   |__.|           /    __/......:.. . .
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::::.                 ..::::::::::::::╖╖╖╖        /          |
:::::.             .::::::::╖.____ _  ___________/           |
:::::::..     ....::::::╖╖   |                               |
╖:::::::::::::::::::::::     ╖---------------------------FredªGNG- - ╖
 ╖::::::::::::::::::::╖                                      | 
   ::::::::::::::::╖                                         :
    ::::::::::::╖╖          Fσr loop by The Gang          ╖

             Released on Black Birdie 3 - september 2006
               This is the final version.

   ...  PC Demo
   ...  Code: Goaufhg, Fred
   ...  Graphics: Fred, Nisse
   ...  Music: Goaufhg
   ...  Additional code and supprot by Chucky
   ...  Yay, another demo from your kewl krew ;)

                           Visit us at http://www.thegang.nu

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