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Return of the chipsfrisch by TJC [web]

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                 : |  //_______________|eleric/galm   ||                       
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		|                                              |
		|                                  2005-05-30  |
		|  woah! it is once again time for a chipdisk  |
		|  from TJC. this time we have spent a few     |
		|  hours on the code, so it is now in C/C++    |
		|  instead of Delphi :>                        |
		|  i really wanted to make some sort of demo   |
		|  style for this one, but i just did not get  |
		|  the hang of it. well, it was still a small  |
		|  step, but we'll get there eventually...     |
		|  next time we will probably get rid of the   |
		|  allegro library and head out for opengl.    |
		|  until then - enjoy your listening!          |
		|                                              |
		|                                /pikzel       |
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		|                                              |
		|  music: algar, jallabert, pikzel, venom      |
		|  code: pikzel                                |
		|  gfx: venom, pikzel                          |
		|                                              |
		|  thanks to trejs for the linuxport!          |
		|                                              |
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		|  up/down = volume up/down                    |
		|  left/right = previous/next                  |
		|  space = fullscreen                          |
		|                                              |
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