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Maggie 28 Intro by KÜA software productions & Cream [web]

            \        p\
             \    s   r\
              \    o   o\
               \    f   d\
                \K   t   u\
                 \ü   w   c\
                  \A   a   t\
                   \    r   i\
                    \    e   o\
                     \        n\
                      \        s\

         _      __      __
        |T\    /gi\    /in\
         \h\  /g/\e\  / /\t\
          \e\/a/  \ \/8/  \r\
           \ M/    \#2/    \o\

       ___________   _         _
      |Code by GGN| |C\       |C|
      |o|           |oo\      |o|
      |d|           |d|d\     |d|
      |e|           |e|\e\    |e|
      | |           | | \ \   | |
      |b|           |b|  \b\  |b|
      |y|           |y|   \y\ |y|
      | |           | |    \ \| |
      |G|           |G|     \G|G|
      |G|           |G|      \GG|
      |N|           |N|       \N|

        |Music was made by Tao|
                  | |
                  | |
                  | |
                  | |

      (this ASCII art also by GGN)

                  (that's why it's lame)

     This intro was finished on the 11th
of  November  1999 - 2 days  before  the
deadline.  Thanks  to CiH for  accepting
this  sorry  excuse  of  a  demo  to  be
included  in Maggie.  The  reasons  that
made  him  decice  this are  as  of  yet
undetermined.  Let's  all hope that  the
mag  will  have the  quality  that  this
intro doesn't have.

     The  code  was  written  in   Turbo
Assembler  1.71 (German,  sigh :-)  with
some   assistance  &  support   programs
written  in  GFA  BASIC.  It  needs  STE
hardware to get going (sorry, but when I
started coding in assembler I found some
articles about the STE,  so I have never
written any plain ST code).  Also, Crack
art 1.3 helped a great deal (not for the
graphics, but for finding the palettes).

     While  the intro was at  the  final
stages of development,  I listened a lot
to   the  latest  record  by  the   band
Pavement,  entitled  "Terror  twilight",
which  may (or may not) have  influenced
this  intro (to the better,  or  to  the
worse I cannot tell).

     Next production: Who knows? I still
have a 4K intro to finish,  I may code a
Christmas  intro for the  DHS  compo,  I
want  to  get started  on  a  vertically
scrolling  shoot'em'up type of  game,  I
may update the Maggie shell, or I may do
none of these things. Time -and possibly
encouragment- can only tell.

     The  source  code is  available  on
request by e-mail (address at the end of
the  text).  It's  about 2600  lines  of
code,  uncommented though.  If I get 2-3
requests,  I'll  spend a day tidying  up
and commenting everything in the  source
and  then mail it.  So,  all of you  GFA
coders who use an STE, get in touch!

     Nothing  more to  say,  except  the
usual:  Stay Atari,  blah blah blah cool
machine, blah blah blah PCs are shit but
everybody's got one, blah blah blah blah
the  best years are yet to  come,   blah
blah  blah blah blah blah are you  still 
reading??? blah blah blah..........
            E-mail addresses



  (if you want some cool fonts - not)






     No home page at the moment, but try
these cool sites:




     ...and  don't forget to  visit  the
Mechanical & Aeronautics Engineering  at
the  University of Patras home  page  (a
real beauty), located at:


(Wow,  I  hope  I  don't  get  sued  for
proposing these sites.  Hope you are all
adults  reading  these  lines.   In  the
opposite case, kids, do NOT visit ANY of
these sites - especially the last!!!)


"I  would like to find the man who  says
that  he has mastered the  Pentium  (not
even  the Pentium II) and  really  means

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