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Blasphemy by Fatal Justice

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╔═════════════════════════╡  B L A S P H E M Y  ╞═══════════════════════════════
║                         └                    ┘
║            A   F A T A L   J U S T I C E   P R O D U C T I O N
║  ┌          ┐                                                      
╚══╡ requires: ╞════════════════════════════════────---- - - 
   └          ┘
  - 486 processor
  - a fast & vesa-compatible vga-card
  - 595kB of free base-mem
  - 5MB of upper memory
  - Gravis UltraSound or SB(Pro/16) recommended
  - powerful stereo hifi-system gives advanced pleasure

                                                       ┌                ┐
           - - ---───────────────══════════════════════╡ about the demo: ╞══════
                                                       └                ┘

  This seems to be the first FATAL JUSTICE production, which was planned for
  a longer time, but as always, most of the effects were coded in only a
  couple of days before the party. So this demo is absolutely not the way we
  wanted it to be. We're sorry about this fact, but we're sad of working on
  this demo. So take it or leave it...

  Of corse everything was calculated in realtime and all music and graphics
  are selfmade.

  To our surprise this demo won the MEKKA'96 demo-competition.
  Anyway: thanks to everyone who voted for us!
  Btw: Mekka'96 was a great party! Shame on everyone who didn't come. We hope
  to see you all at the next mekka-party!!

  We're sorry for the long calculation-time at the begining, but some of the
  objects are rather big (the viper in the tunnel has >3800 faces) and so
  we're calculating normal-datas and some other crap in the begining to make
  the demo smaller (it's rather big anyway). Sorry that this precalculation
  is that slow, but high-level-coding must have some bad sides, too ;))

  I think I'll have to apologize to all who had to handle the party version.
  It was more than crappy and buggy...

  The effects and some technical data:
    - 3d-font (1800 envi-faces) and a bitmap-transoformation effect
    - another vector-logo (920 faces) and texture-scrolling bitmap-font
    - double transformed glenz bitmap-tunnel and textured vector-greetings
    - picture by EVIL MANIAK (VESA SVGA 640x480, 256 colours)
    - phong-shaded and texture-mapped vector-object (512 faces)
    - environment- and bump-mapped vector-object (still 512 faces ;)
    - double partial-glenz bitmap-transformation
    - phong-shaded 3d-walker and free-moving camera (somewhat under 4000 faces)
    - textured tunnel & envi viper (viper: 3804 faces; tunnel: 1024 faces)
    - vector-landscape (2048 envi-faces)
    - textured & gouraud-shaded dungeon-engine (somewhat around 500 faces)
    - end-picture by evil-maniak (320x200; 256 colours)

  Sometimes you might even notice some effect-timing.

  When you're wondering why the demo is that big, you should remember that
  we've got music-files of 700kB, a SVGA picture of 400kB and a couple of
  textures included...

  If you want to contact one of us or just want more information, you should
  have a look into the FATAL.NFO file...

   ┌                ┐                                                      
═══╡ bugs & fuckups: ╞════════════════════════════════────---- - - 
   └                ┘

- Well, as said above this demo isn't very finsihed yet. But in contrast
  to the party-version this one does run most of the time.

- As we're using our very own memory-system, MIDAS will force you to install
  an EMM-driver as long as you're using a SoundBlaster.
  Ultrasound users should better run the demo with Himem only to make the
  demo run smoother.

- If your vga-card doesn't support vesa-functions you should install a VESA
  driver (univbe works fine!). No high-tech driver is necessary, we just
  want to display a picture ;) ...

- This demo will NOT run with any 32bit extenders, such as WINDOWS 3.xx,
  WIN 95, QEMM, MAX386, 4DOS or similar. Just start the demo from a plain
  DOS and everything works fine!

- We have encountered that in some cases the screen/panning does not fit
  when running in  'no sound'

- If the demo hangs, fucks up or whatever, try a clean boot.

- If you still find any major bugs, please do contact us!

                                                               ┌        ┐
          - - ---───────────────═══════════════════════════════╡ thanks: ╞══════
                                                               └        ┘
  Many thanks for coding-help and inspiration must go to:


  We used a texture from RA/NOOON and BLITZ/HALCYON.
  Sorry guys! Ask us for a beer on the next party...

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╔═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╡ credits: ╞═══════
║                                                           └         ┘
║  ART        :  EVIL MAIAK    
║  CODE       :  HELLFIRE      
║  MUSIC      :  INSANITY      
║  We used the great audio-system MIDAS by ALFRED and GURU
║                                ┌          ┐                                
╚════════════════════════════════╡  THE END  ╞═══════───────────-─-- -- -  -
                                 └          ┘
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