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Röppönen V0.0.001 by Magnetismin Tietokonekerho

Entry name: R├╢pp├╢nen V0.0.001
Code: papu
Cool shader: opossumi
"Music": papu

How to run: run hello_vulkan.exe

First released in Jumalauta Xmas party 2023

Made with Rust & Vulkan
- I have no idea how to use either so it might not work on your hardware (Tested with Nvidia GTX1070)

Thanks to Julius for the great course on Vulkan basics.

Many thanks also to the maintainers of the Rust crates that we depend on:
ash = "0.37.1"
cgmath = "0.18.0"
image = "0.24.5"
memoffset = "0.8.0"
num = "0.4.0"
tobj = "3.2.4"
winapi = {version = "0.3.9", features = ["windef"]}
winit = "0.27.5"
rust-rocket = "0.7.2"
bincode = "1.3.1"
rodio = "0.17.1"
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