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Zapped In by Abyss [web]

Short       : Zapped In
Author      : Abyss
Type        : exe music 10.848 bytes, ocs
Release Date: 31.05.2022

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                      Abyss - The deepest experience

Z A P P E D   I N

Original 'Zapped Out' song by 4-Mat!

Code & Audio: Pink

This release features the new optimized 'Pretracker 1.6' replayer
that allows easier use in intros (less rastertime, smaller replayer).
Samples are generated on startup.

To see how well the new Pretracker 'register dump' pack alogrithm works I tried 
a traditional tracked chiptune that uses a lot of 'random' commands ('Zapped Out' by 4-Mat!)
It has been imported into PreTracker and new instruments have been created to replace the original samples.
The final song was then stored as normal PreTracker file and as Pretracker register dump.
For reference, the original Protracker module was also converted with Leonards LSP player 
(afaik its the only player that also uses register dumps on Amiga).

The register dump compression format is so designed that it can be replayed efficently
and that Shrinkler still can minimize the final size. See the included png for comparison.

About the replayer:
The replayer takes around 10 rasterlines on A500 and needs no interrupts.
This includes the mandatory 8 rasterlines DMA wait. In this intro a 
slightly smaller but slower version is used (this gains another 1000 
bytes in the final size).

Thanks to Bartman and Blueberry (Shrinkler).

Feel free to contact Pink at
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