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Quiktro by The Immortal Syndicate

 Quiktro, by the Immortal Syndicate 1994
    Released March 11th, 1994 - 3.11.94

 During the Demo

 While the demo is running you can press any key (including pause) to skip to
 the next part.  Pressing ESC will quit the demo instantly...

                                                           Enjoy, NutCracker

 Freeware Notice

 This file is Freeware, give it to anyone and everyone on the planet
 Earth, but don't be a lamer and screw around with the data file & 
 This demo requires a 386, preferably 33MHz but will run smoother and quicker
 on any 486.  It will not run without a VGA monitor.
 Late, Late, Late
 Yes another late production from the Immortal Syndicate... Only our first,
 but can't you wait till we are late again?

 Intro Notes

 ■ This intro includes about 477k of Music in 8 track mod format.
 ■ About 24k of VGA, grafix.
 ■ About 1200 - 1300 lines of code.

 MusicSystem Notes

 The music system we used for the Intro is not ours... We had to use 
 VangelisTeam's DemoVT because our player isn't done yet... It will
 definitley be done, for the MusicDisk, and Mega-Demo...

 More crappy notes

 Well enjoy this little intro, and be expecting Bigger and Better stuff from
 us soon!

                Please Read ISINFO20.TXT for more information...

                                               Thanx, NutCracker
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