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Karkkimaa by Lonely Coders


  Extreme graphics (4kB executable image) entry

    For Assembly 2008

Created by Itchi / Lonely Coders

This is a Java program in a self-executing JAR format.
Run by doubleclicking the file in Windows or executing command "java -jar <filename.jar>",
where filename is one of the following:
- Karkkimaa_*x*_window.jar: Renders the image to a window.
- Karkkimaa_*x*_fullscreen.jar: Renders the image in fullscreen.
- Karkkimaa_*x*_png.jar: Renders the image to a PNG file.
It takes a while before anything happens, so be patient. Image should appear in less than a minute though.
Press mouse to exit, no keyboard support this time.

The image is rendered by raytracing spheres and cylinders.
No hardware 3D-acceleration is used.
Rendering is multithreaded supporting up to 4 CPUs.

Greetings to Unreal Voodoo, Blobtrox, Traction, Unique, #olio, #lonelycoders and Uttumuttu
Special thanks to my wife Heidi and our little boy Aatu for their patience while creating this entry.
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