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Hipp-Leif by After Eights

"Hipp-Leif" a wild demo by After Eight`s!

We take NO responibility cause of any damage using this demo. This demo is
NOT tested on animals, so beware! =D

When you have seen this demo your are allowed to call yourself a "HippLeif"!
(You should be damn proud!! hehe.. Notice that to be a "HurapLeif" is a VERY
long way to go!! But don`t give up! Hang on, and we`ll be BACK!)  *Tippa da!*

To contact us:

Dr.Death / After Eight`s  (+elt^ats+)
Yngve Dalland
co/Stσle R°rlien
Rykkesvegen 13
5700 Voss
                NB: This demo is (c) copyrighted 1996 to B°ttekottet Studios

Mr.Shuffle / After Eight`s
Roy Vegar Hope
co/Stσle R°rlien
Rykkesvegen 13
5700 Voss

COMMING SOON:  LEIF vil aldri bli den samme! (LEIF will never be the same!)

After Eight`s - Do you smell the chocolate?
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