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blue blue by Revelation [web]

                                     -  ─ ── ─-────-───-────-───(.CReditS.)─+
  .                                                                         !
  :                                                                         |
  |    Code: Babyloon   Piece of Gfx: Ntsc, Axxel & Zaac   MuSic: Eagle     :
  !                                                                         .
  +───-───-──-────-─── ── ─  -

                                     -  ─ ── ─-────-───-──(.ReLeaSe iNfoS.)─+
       the intro has been coded in 100% ASM using PMODE/W Dos Extender,     | 
       it needs a GUS (but also works with NO SOUND).                       : 
  ·    it runs with 470Ko of conventionnal memory and needs 4Mo of RAM.     ∙
  .    this intro should work both under DOS and Windows 95.                ·
  :    quickly coded at the Euskal place (San Sebastian/Spain), with
  |    Thorin for beer support..
  +───-───-──-────-─── ── ─  -
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