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SSRI by Traction [web]

 - Less than 64 kilobytes of chemistry for your brains, released at Function'05

"In the midst of winter, I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer."
  - Albert Camus 

Things you see:  Martti "Preacher" Nurmikari
Things you hear: Jukka "Grip" ─lli
Things you feel: Fabian "ryg" Giesen (packer)
                 Brett "Firelight" Paterson (player)

Other guilty ones : Anna "napsa" Savolainen     - additional design
                    Erkka "Kofeiini" Pynn÷nen   - additional design
Contact us at:
 Preacher - syksyisin@gmail.com
 Grip     - grip@jippii.fi
 http://traction.untergrund.net (some day, hopefully soon)
As usual, no shaders or anything like that required. Should run on just about anything,
but how well... OpenGL lines are _slow_ and there are a _lot_ of them ;) Please do run
it in 1024x768, and don't forget to enable music (some of the effects won't work properly
without synch values from the player).
Some words about the intro: It's rather fast-made, I started working on it after
Assembly and during these two months, I completed two demos and had my share of real
life. Special thanks must go to my lovely girlfriend Anna for support, inspiration 
and some tidbits regarding the chemistry of SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake 
inhibitor) drugs. I wish the concept had been exploited better, but.. 

And, before you point it out, yes, the butterflies are a Paul Bourke ripoff ;) But
mathematics is about the beauty of the Universe around us, so I believe that I can
borrow a bit.. ;)

Finally, special thanks and smiles to my Hungarian friends for organizing something that 
will most likely be a kickass party, and special fuckings to me for not being there. 
I hope you enjoy the intro. 

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