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Blame by Extreme Entertainment


            Now, from the creators of NOUMENON ED...

                         (K!LL da B!LL)

  Ugly anti-mICROsOFT trackmo from nighty Samarian demomackers

                      ALK/Stars of Keladan


             UnBEL!EVER aka M.M.A/Speed co./Extreme

|                        Technical Info                        |

Trackmo logicaly divided into 3 part:

              When Two Worlds Collide (main part)
              To K!LL da B!LL         (video part)
              postPSYCHOZ             (outtro)

During trackmo you can see 4 hand drawing pictures:         

          BlAME Logo by Paracels / Eternity industry
          Inside pC  by Paracels / Eternity industry
          Mazdie     by TeeRay / MAGIC SOFT / Extreme
          Win Or Die by UnBEL!EVER & BioMax / Extreme

There are two soundtracks written in Pro Tracker 3:

main part track       microsoft: The Cult Of The Damned
                      Composed by Dagma/EXTREME
video part track      Cake fake
                      Composed by MMCM/SAGE GROUP

Total running time (including TR-DOS loader!): 7 min. 28 sec.

Practicaly  all effects was coded by ALK/S.o.K. during 98 day of
hard  work.  Original  conception,  design  and  outtro coded by
UnBEL!EVER. In fact this two persons are create this trackmo.

|                      Interesting Facts                       |

Digital   sample   in  multicolor  part  plays at 6700Hz,  4bit,
1 channel, and two other channels used for AY-Music.

Realtime  rotating  Bill  consist  of  32.0 phases, each of them
printed in 3 frames.

Video  engine  in second part (by the way, it was an UnBEL!EVER
conception)  output  to  screen 1 video frame per 3 frames. Each
frame  sized  64  x  48  dots.  Dots, sized 4 x 4 pixels, have 8
grayscales  and  stored in memory as 3-bit data. Total lenght of
one  frame  is  1152 bytes. Whole video consist of 72 frames and
long for 5.xx seconds.

Digital  sample in outto was taken from Lacrimosa's "INFERNO'95",
plays  at 16KHrz,  4 bit, 3 channel. RGB picture was scanned and
converted  to ZX by UnBEL!EVER. Originally this is IRON MAIDEN's
logo from "VIRTUAL IX"'98 album.

|                    Software & Hardware                       |

In demomacking process we used a lot of software & hardware:

                   pC 486-DX4/120
                   PENTAGON-128 + 2 disk drives

                   wIN'95,  ADOBE PHOTOSHOP, SEA GFX VIEWER
                   TURBO PASCAL 7.0, DN, RAR, HOBETA, COOL'95
                   SN 1.01,

                   XAS 7.42,STS X.X, HRUST 1.0, SCREEN CRASHER,
                   LAZY SCREEN PACKER


                   PENTAGON-128 + 1 disk drive
                   also ALK's pC

                   all the same as ALK

                   ALASM 3.8, STORM (really cool!), STS 5.1a,
                   CONSUL   COMMANDER,   ART   STUDIO  128
                   EXSESS SAMPLE EDITOR 1.1, SAMPLE EDITOR2.0b
                   iS-dos, HRUM 3.5i, HRUST 1.1


                   PENTIUM 200MMX

                   wIN'95, SHALAEV EMULATOR 3.05

                   ART STUDIO 128 (Spirit mix)


                   PENTAGON 128 (777) (tnx to S.Y.B)

                   PRO TRACKER 3.31 by Golden Disk Corp.


                   PENTAGON 128 + COOL AUDIO SISTEM

                   PRO TRACKER 3.31r (remixed by MMCM)

|                      Thanks & Greetings                      |

Thanks to:

DR.DEATH/SPEED CO./XTM   for Internet support & all other help
₧αá éáß¿½∞Ñó             for Fido Net support & scanning
FREEMAN                  for some screen shoot service
Noman/Stars of Keladan   for critics & English correction
TeeRay & Paracels        for really cool 6912 bytes
DAGMA  & MMCM            for deadly  &  evil music.

Our greets to all progressive demomackers:

Progress,  Digital  Reality, Code Busters, E-Mage, Tankard, RUSH
Accept  Corp,  CPU,  Eternity  Industris, Mayhem, OHG, ETC, K3L,
3SC,  Nighty  Crew,  XTC-3,  REACTION,  Phantasy, ZER0, Antares,
Megacode & BeerMans of coz!

Special  thanks  from UnBEL!EVER to some HEAVY METAL & DOOM BAND
for morTal support:

                          Iron Maiden
                     Lacrimosa (INFERNO'95)
                      Crematory (AWAKE'97)
                  Die verbannten Kinder Eva's

ALK  usually  works  in creative silince, sometimes listen up to
the sounds of Metallica, Prodigy & different .MOD files from pC.

|            Special message for Eueropean ZX fanz             |

As  usially,  in ex-USSR, our demo is fixed & timed for PENTAGON
128.  We  make  all  possible  things  to  produce  a  SLOW  RAM
compotable  effects.  Probably  all  FX  must  work correctly on
numerous of original SINCLAIR's, Amstrad, Timex & Texas Instrum.
models   and  some  clones  like  Didactik  M.  Due  to  machine
limitations  some  FX  may  turn slow down, but never (we hope!)
crash  the demo. Don't BlAME us, if our trackmo still crash your
sistem  and  doesn't work correctly - Pentagon is really fastest
Speccy ever!

At  the  begining BlAME was concepted as russian languge trackmo
and  specialy  for  non-russian  speaking  people  we  intend to
release  special  English  edition.  After  some  month  of hard
working  we  drop  this  balmy  idea  and  write all messages in
international  English.  There  is  only  one picture (WINorDIE)
includes some russian text. Hear is translation:

             | MICRO@FT    \/\/\      OR DIE!    |
             |                                   |
             |          ( |  . .  )              |
             |         (  |/  ^ \  )             |
             |          ( +       )              |
             |  Russia    |            your      |
             | wait for     (  )   choose(will)! |
             |                                   |

(This is a remix of Russian National Unity logo. RNU is a really
pro-fascist-nationalist organithation, we _HATE__ it!)

There  is  also  another  one  piece  of  russian text stored in
outtro.  This  is  tipical  wIN'95 error message. Translation of
this stuff is complitly impossible :)

 Tape version of the BlAME consist of 3 independent .tap files:

                           Part 1.tap
                           Part 2.tap
                           Part 3.tap

All  this  parts  must be loaded one by one, from 1 to 3 of coz!
Don't  forget  to keep GFX on the screen during loading part 2 &
3.  We hope that you successefuly convert this trackmo into your
native disk drive system!

|                     Our contact address                      |

You can send mail to our comrade Alex Rybinskiy:

                      FIDO   2:5057/18.46
                      E-mail speed_co@yahoo.com

We  whoud like to discuss our trackmo, produce new contact & get
new friends!

Also you can use ordinary post and write to UnBEL!EVER:

                     RUSSIA, SAMARA, 443074

                          post box 9966

                  Mutchkaev Maxim Alexeevitch

The lecture is over!

       (All this dirty english text written by UnBELEVER)

                                            Have a good time....

 Samarian Extreme devision  &  AlK / Stars of Keladan group'98

                  ▌   ▐D-Man'98          ▌   ▐
            ▄████ █▄ ▄█ ████ ▄███  ▄████ █   █ ▄████
            ▓█  ▐ ▓█ ██ ▌▓█▐ ▓█ ▓█ ▓█  ▐ ▓█ ▓█ ▓█  ▐
            ▓▓ ▐  ▓▓ ██  ▓▓  ▓▓ ▓▓ ▓▓ ▐  ▓▓▓▓▓ ▓▓ ▐
            ▒▓▓█   ▓▓▓   ▒▓  ▒▓ ▒▓ ▒▓▓█  ▒▓▓▒▓ ▒▓▓█
            ▒▒ ▐  ▒▒ ▒▓  ▒▒  ▒▒ ▒▒ ▒▒ ▐  ▒▒ ▒▒ ▒▒ ▐
            ░▒    ░▒ ▒▒  ░▒  ░▒▒▒  ░▒    ░▒ ▒▒ ░▒
            ░░░░░ ░░ ░░  ░░  ░░ ░░ ░░░░░ ░░ ░░ ░░░░░
             ░░   ░  ·    ░   ·  ░  ░░░   ░  ·  ░░
             ∙    ·       ·      ∙   ░    ·      ░
             ·                   ·   ·           ·

P.S.  .....to kill da B!ll: real or unreal ?

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