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10110 - elämää pienempi remix by acidrain [web]

   an acid rain production indeed

   10110 elämää pienempi remix requires:
   p100 / 16Mb / vbe 2.0 / himem

   do not use emm386 or the demo will crash !
   if there's some weird crap on the screen w/ sb try using sb 2.0.
   it might even help. :)

   tapeworm coded and went to norway and came back
   melwyn coded some as well and ripped the musics and drank some beer
   nemesulku created the graphics and objects and kinda remixed :)

   this is the party version. see ya at the front of rabatti, aijjat !

(  kiitos mikolle, kun ei vienyt meidän pulloa.  )

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