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No Excuse by Omicron

Short ugly info-file coming up:

To run the demo:

DON'T use EMM386,QEMM or similar drivers...
DON'T try to run this from Windows, OS/2, Windows 95 etc...
You must load HIMEM.SYS...
400kb base memory 2MB XMS is required

It takes a while to load the second part, especially on slow computers,
so don't reboot during the loading.

GUS is optional (768KB onboard to hear all the samples in the songs)
To force nosound use /N
To force gus use /G

You must have both these files unzipped to run the demo:


Everything in the demo is 100% asm. There are NO animations. Everything is 
calculated realtime as you're watching it.

Experiencing any problems?

Call:  +46-(0)8-636 90 11 

Or write an E-mail to:  Problems@omicron.ct.se

For more info read the texts in the end of the demo.
(By the way: The end-module is an OLD fourchannel-mod made by Cubic One for 
some years ago)


And as usual:
    We take no responsibilities for what so ever happends with your computer
    when you run the demo.(althought it's unlikely anything will happen). You 
    may NOT distribute the demo on CD or similar distrubution ways, without
    contacting us. You may NOT charge any money for the demo. You may NOT 
    alter the files in anyway and then distrubuting them. You MAY spread the 
    demo on BBS:es and on the Internet. Please follow these simple rules and
    everyone will live happily ever after...

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