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CEL Cracktro

│ Program : PrintMaster Gold              Number of Disks : 2                │
│ Company : MicroLogic Software           Protection      : Nope             │
│ Suplier : Rush                          Release Date    : 7/14/93 PM       │
This is told in the original PMG.NFO written by the specialists
of "Piece O' Shit Warez".

So, when I tried to install that damn thing, I couldn't pass the
serial number question.
And further on there has no serial number supplied with the stuff.

Ok, I am NOT one of the best as like as all the rest of you (at least
the most people try to make me believe they're the best) and for that
reason my crack is perhaps not good enough.
Well, it worked here, why shouldn't it do there.
If you are able to do it better, probably you can, just do it.

I had to make two different cracks.
Copy the first one (INSTCRCK.COM) beside the INSTALL.EXE to pass
the serial number question. (O'coz, you have to run the COM first)

After installing copy the second (PMG.COM) into the directory, where
you have installed PM to.
Run the PMG.COM, PM should work now. I had very little grafik mistakes
here, but this may depend on my VGA card.

Have fun.

Car E. Lee
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