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the pirate BBS (2) by Calodox

        __________._____________    ___________________________
        \______   \   \______   \  /  _  \__    ___/\_   _____/
         |     ___/   ||       _/ /  /_\  \|    |    |    __)_
         |    |   |   ||    |   \/    |    \    |    |        \
         |____|   |___||____|_  /\____|__  /____|   /_______  /
                              \/         \/                 \/
        ____________________  _________ __
        \______   \______   \/   _____//  |________  ____
         |    |  _/|    |  _/\_____  \\   __\_  __ \/  _ \
         |    |   \|    |   \/        \|  |  |  | \(  <_> )
         |______  /|______  /_______  /|__|  |__|   \____/
                \/        \/        \/

                                by CaLoDoX!

■∙[ WHAT ? ] ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────■

   Yep, it is what it looks like. A shitty wireframe object with some
   oldschool-fire and stars blinking in the background. But hey, it's just
   another addy...

   This is done 100% with TASM and a version QEDIT which seems to be of
   the stone age (even the object was made with the editor ;)

■∙[ WHO ? ] ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────■

  Actually i (Zpider) made it myself, but whenever i need help,
  i ask dake (big thx).

■∙[ WHAT DOES THIS THING NEED ? ] ──────────────────────────────────────────■

  As it doesn't contain any realtime-raytracing, you should be able to watch
  it on a P266...nah, kidding. It requires at least a 386, but as the code is
  very lame (don't debug! ;), it wont run smooth on this machine. On my P120
  it runs fine, hope that's the case on your PC.

■∙[ Greetz ] ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────■

            ...Nowadays, Fake That, Hells Passion, Vantage, TBF...
      ...Halcyon, Camorra, Complex, Pulse and all my other favourites...
            ...#chscene, #coders and everybody else i met on IRC...
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