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Satin by Tube27

  d$$$$$$$$$$$b d$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$bb       $$$$$$$b,            
  $$KHAMOON$$$$ $$Y' ==≡2\ [≡≡≡≡7  `Y$$$bb\    $$$$$$$$$$$b,       
  $$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$     /2/   7≡7   d$Y'`Ybb\   $$Y' `Y$$$$$$$$$b,  
  $$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$b, /2/≡≡  7≡7  d$Y     `Ybb  `$$b     `$$$$$$$$$b,
  $$P $$$$$ Y$$ Y$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$Y         Y$b  `$$b,           `Y$$$
  $P ,$$$$$. Y$     `$$$'      $$           $$)  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$b    
  '  d$$$$$b  ` $$$$ `$' $$$$  $$b,       ,d$F  d$$$$TIHOCAN$$$$$) 
    d$$$$$$$b   $$$$  '  $$$$  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$   $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$F   
   d$$$$$$$$$b  $$$$     $$$$  $$Y'       `Y$b  $$Y'              
   Y$$$$$$$$$Y  $$$$     $$$$  $$           $$) `$$b,   ,d$$$$$$$$$$
    Y$$$$$$$Y   $$$$     $$$$  $$b,       ,d$F   `$$$$$$$$$$$$$Y"  
     Y$$$$$Y    `Y$$b   d$$Y'  $$$$$$$$$$$$$F     Y$$$$$$Y"  
      `''''      `Y$$$$$$$Y'    Y$$GURU$$$$Y       Y$$$$Y   
                   `''''''       `'''''''''         `''' 
                         proudly presents:
        	another marvellous production called:    ▄▄░░▀  ▀░   ,▓░▓▄ 
                                                        ░▀    ▄░▓█▄ ▄█▓  ▀░▄
                                                           ▄░▀  ▀█▓█  ▓░  ▀░   
                                          d$$b            ░▀  ▓▓█@0@ @ ▀░░
     			                  Y$$Y              ▄▓▓  @d$b @  ▀░
           d$$$$$b      ,A$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$  $$,d$$$$$b,  ░░    ,$$$;
          d$$$$  $$b;.;d$$   $$Y'`Y$$Y' $$$$$  $$$Y   Y$$$  ░    d$$$b
           $$$$$$b    $$$$$$$$$    $$   $$$$$  $$$     $$$       $$$$$
         d$bd$$$$$$$u$$Y'    $$    $$   $$$$$  $$$     $$$       $$$$$
         Y$$$$$$$$P $$       $$    $$   $$$$$  $$$     $$$    ,,d$$$$$b,.
	I really don't know what to write about this intro. It is smaller
	than this file, so no comment is needed. Our crazy coder Khamoon 
	wrote some useless piece of code, so we (me and Tihocan) had nothing
	to do in it. He promised to start writing a demo, but for now, he   
	is engaged upon compression-procedures, compressions-programs, and
	fonts-editors. Our first demo should appear in June (I hope...)    

	Computer ? Better some fast one ... On P120 works well .            │									    
	   code,code,and only code ≡≡≡≡≡≡ KHAMOON                           │
       ######################################				    │
       #  handle   # 	job	#      born # 	          		    │
       ######################################				    │
       # KHAMOON ---  Code Master  --- 1980 # 				    │
       # TIHOCAN ---  code,music   --- 1980 #				    │
       #    GURU ---  Art,music    --- 1980 #				    │
       ######################################				    │
       ###  ULTRA  ---  256b intro ---  by KHAMOON                          │
       a lot of music made by GURU and TIHOCAN                              │
          ∙cash∙mrock∙revisq∙∙∙∙and whole rest of PC Scene 		    │
	  ∙special thanks to Pet/BB					    │
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