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Bart's Law by UltraForce [web]

- Bart's Law preview                               (C) 1991 by UF Development -

 To use this playable demo you need  -: VGA Graphics                       
                                        Mouse + driver                     
                                        Soundblaster (optional)            

 Files included in the .ARJ file     -: Bartslaw.exe   demo file           
                                     -: Bartslaw.doc   this file           

 Startup -: BARTSLAW <┘                                                    
 This demo tries to be smart and will detect a SBcard if you have one.     
 No SB no music!!                                                          

 This is only a preview, which means that the real version could have some 
 differences. (Yes a lot).
 For instance i don't like te graphics, the samples and the code.
 So the real playable Bart's Law will Have: Better Graphics 
                                            Better Sounds   
                                            Multiple frame animation
                                            Scrolling Backdrops
                                            More Soundcards support
                                            Noisetracker music
                                            Ega support (?????)

 If you like the lookes of this demo preview please leave a
 message on our BBS or write to our PO-BOXES, A postcard will do nicely
 Yep, this is postware (so the PTT gets its share of our programming)
 How more cards/messages we get, the sooner the REAL BART'S LAW will
 be released. So start writing!!!

 Don't start writing us telling that -]  It lookes like POW
                                         or where are the Simpsons
                                         etc etc etc

 We know all those things, but keep in mind that this is the product of
 one, someone with Low Programming, Sampling and Drawing capabilities

 Programming : Remco de Berk   
 Graphics    : Remco de Berk   
 Sampling    : Remco de Berk   

 But it was not all from me     -) BartsLaw Logo - Walter Pedro (Amiga)
                                   Bartje        - Eric Oostendorp

 thanks to Eric Oostendorp & Josha Munnik for Programming help

 Members of Ultra Force are: Arjan Brusee    - Megademo/UltraWOW
                             Remco de Berk   - VEGA/Spacefun/Rebelfun
                             Bram Graveland  - Sphinxdemo
                             Eric Oostendorp - Mach3/Coldcut
                             Josha Munnik    - Birthday/JMplayer
                             Eric Soonius    - PR/Sysop UF BBS
                             Widi Riesebos   - Graphics
                             Michel Hooymans - Graphics

 How to contact us

 Write to: Ultra Force              or          Ultra Force 
           Po box 63048                         Po box 84373
           3002 JA Rotterdam                    2508 AJ Den Haag

 Call our BBS int 31-70-3585109 at 1200 / 38400bps 
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