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die you will by Terror Opera

                                     by            │
                               "Terror Opera"      │
                               yes,  you WILL      │
                                                      pheeeeel da energy

                                                                  DUW !


                                                         64k family roxx

Ok, some details here you are.

surgi coded whole intro and did gfx - diggers pics
tom   creates particle gravitation model and spherical modifs - middle part
nula  tracked 'bolehlav' module - a time ago
ant   sent us 'hand.3ds' file which we used well :) - thx alot

DUW   probably our last dos&gus symphony - but we still love them well
      it's spirit alone wrote background texts
       - we swear we never had anything with your girlfriend. Probably.
         - if we had done so we apollogize.


Troska textu navrch - dnes ponekud tezsiho razeni.

Smrt te pronasleduje uz od tveho zrozeni,
cas od casu zhasnou svetla na jeji helmici, ale stihat te nikdy neprestane.

Ve svete, ve kterem lovi smrt, neni cas na litost a pochybnosti.
Existuje jen cas na rozhodovani.

Ve svete, kde smrt je lovec, nejsou mala ci velka rozhodnuti.
Jsou jenom rozhodnuti, ktera bojovnik musi ucinit tvari v tvar sve
neodvratitelne smrti.

 - don Juan Matuz (z knih Carlose Castanedy)

sooner than you ever imagined
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