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Solstice in 4k by Solstice [web]

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╔════════════════════════╡  C O N V I C T I O N  ╞═════════════════════════════
║                        └                      ┘
║            A   F A T A L   J U S T I C E   P R O D U C T I O N
║  ┌          ┐                                                      
╚══╡ requires: ╞════════════════════════════════────---- - - 
   └          ┘
  - fast 486 perocessor ( 100MHz recommended )
  - a fast vga-card ( VLB/PCI recommended )
  - 600kB of free base-mem
  - Gravis UltraSound with 512kB of sample-memory
  - valid env-string for GUS
  - powerful stereo hifi-system (optional)

  the demo must be started from a hdd - it won't run directly from a cd-rom!

                                                           ┌          ┐
          - - ---───────────────═══════════════════════════╡ features: ╞═══════
                                                           └          ┘
  - bitmap-effects
  - vector-effects
  - tunnels       
  - more vectors
  - some additional effect- & music-timing...

   ┌         ┐                                                      
═══╡ effects: ╞════════════════════════════════────---- - - 
   └         ┘

  - bitmap de-blur
  - envi-mapped vector-logos
  - mirror-mapped texture-scroller
  - phong shading
  - palette fading ;)
  - splatter refraction mapping
  - shadow mapping
  - phong-shaded glenz vetors
  - bump mapping
  - chroma shading

  - motion-blurred glenz-texture tunnel
  - some well timed, gouraud-shaded vector-greetings
  - gouraud shaded dungeon world with Y- & Z-axis rotation
  - rotating texture-tunnel + phong-shaded envi-mapping
  - hi-res truecolor multiple-lightsourced phong-shading

                                                      ┌                ┐
          - - ---───────────────══════════════════════╡ about the demo: ╞══════
                                                      └                ┘

  This demo requires nothing but a fast processor.
  You don't need any special configuration as it will run with every memory
  manager (also QEMM, 386MAX etc), but 'HIMEM only' gives best performance!
  You don't have to own one of those svga cards, to get the truecolor-mode.
  The 16 million colours are based on a 640x400 X-mode resolution in combi-
  nation with fake-mode page-switching and an advanced orange-mode.
  On some very strange VGAs this mode will flicker or doesn't work at all -
  if you belong to these unlucky, worry!
  This demo was tested on the following, very different machines - we didn't
  encounter any problems, but if you find any, contact us please...

  - AMD 486DX4-100 VLB,   Cirrus 1MB,       GUS 1MB:       ok.
  - Cyrix 486DX2-66 VLB,  ET4000 W32 1MB,   GUS 1MB:       ok.
  - AMD 486DX4-100 PCI,   Av. Logic 1MB,    GUS Max 512kB: ok.
  - Intel 486DX-40 VLB,   Trident 8900 1MB, GUS 512kB:     ok.
  Don't try this on 386-25 or even slower - it won't run at all (at least
  you should not try it on any 386 - it will look ugly) !
  The archive should include the following files:
    - CONV.EXE          the executable demo
    - CONV.NFO          this info-file
    - FATAL.NFO         general information
    - FILE_ID.DIZ       file-description for bulettin' boards

  Please leave the archive as it is - if there are any useless bbs-addies
  you can delete them...

  Some of the 3d-models were found on a shareware cd-rom, thanks to those
  who made them - whoever you are...
  All other stuff was of corse self-made, everything is realtime calculated,
  no rip-offs, no animations, no fakes...

  Space: 150kB code, 200kB gfx, 220kB 3ds, 712kB sound = 1.3MB

   ┌               ┐                                                      
═══╡ miscellaneous: ╞════════════════════════════════────---- - - 
   └               ┘
  This demo took part at the 'WIRED 95' demo-competition in Mons/Belgium
  and won xth place.
  Main code was done in about one week, so don't complain...

  Watch out for INSANITY's second very-near-in-the-future musicdisk,

  For more (un)interesting information check out FATAL.NFO information-file.

                                                            ┌         ┐
╔═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╡ credits: ╞═══════
║                                                           └         ┘
║  DISKHAWK   :  organization, additional design
║  DOOMSDAY   :  design, ideas
║  HELLFIRE   :  all code
║  INSANITY   :  all music, 3d models
║  THE DON/TDA:  graphics
║  ┌               ┐
╚══╡ further thanks ╞═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗
   └               ┘                                                         ║
   HARLEQUIN/SUCCESS                                                          ║
                                 ┌          ┐                                ║
  - ---───────────═══════════════╡  THE END  ╞════════════════════════════════╝
                                 └          ┘
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