gfbtm information 65 glöps

- general:
- level: user
- personal:
- first name: Jakob
- last name: Sørensen
- demo Amiga OCS/ECS MØMB by Gunnars Farvebio [web]
M0MB (A1200 version)
After releasing Megademo 1, I was sure it I would not make any more megademos. Just a one-timer..
But short after I got the idea to make a parody of Flash Production's "Digital concert" that should be a very long James Last remix music disk, just like these.
It should have an intro, and the the entire James Last long play mix....
But it didnt become that actually... I only made a short James Last sample module and lost interest...
Meantime other ideas appeared.
It became a megademo. It should have:
Intro, techno part, traditional part, credit part and an end part.
Obligatory stuff for a megademo ofcause.
The techno part, which was also designed, directed, and EVEN contains musical contribution by Dr.Who, became most interesting part of the project.
After watching Front 242 on "100 minutes" on MTV we got the idea of making such techno and adding child drawings on.
That became "M0mb".
This demo is actually an A1200 compatible re-release of this sub part.
More info about this megademo when someone uploads it on Pouet :)
What does "M0mb" mean?
Dr. Who (my brother and only 'real' memmer of GFB. Al other are fictive (used by me)) had a dream. (Or nightmare..?)
He dreamed that Depeche Mode had released a maxi single, and on the B side was a song called MØMB (With 2 dots above the 'B')... probably inspired by 'Behind The Wheel' where there are 2 dots above the 'T'.....
Or was it JM Jarres' Zoolook maxi he dreamed about? can't remember.. have to ask him one day...
Well, its 30+ years ago... If i remember more details, I will add them. - isokadded on the 2025-01-25 15:21:07
- demo Amiga OCS/ECS Megademo by Crionics
- At 7:29 there is a yellow that is green inside. 2 bpl for the outside yellow faces, and 2 bpl for the green faces. Thats 4 bpl :)
- isokadded on the 2020-06-12 11:48:55
- demo Amiga OCS/ECS The Missing Link by Light
- Why should it? ;)
- isokadded on the 2017-07-21 21:27:21
- demo Amiga OCS/ECS Karbad by Light
- By the way..
Steel, you actually tried to participate with 2 parts..
but sadly the sourcecode disc disappeared during the party..
One of the parts, "Total bobcall" was remade for our second megademo. :) - isokadded on the 2017-07-21 21:24:19
- demo Amiga OCS/ECS Karbad by Light
- Our first megademo!
We were so optimistic to believe we could finish half the megademo, including trackloader, at the party. That was an important lesson :) Always make the important/tricky things first in the process!
Mabye Chain was considered swedish because there also is the (famous) swedish c64-group called Light.
A funny story about that:
At that Dexion party, we were in a classroom, working on the demo. We were quite unknown, but then 2 guys entered the room, and one of the asked if we had anything to do with the swedish group "Light"..
We looked surprised and scared, because the one who asked looked a bit scary.. "No.. we a are a new formed Amiga group..."
I feared troubles with the swedish cracker underworld or whatever could happen..
But then that guy presented himself. He was "Fox" from Dominators. A really nice guy. He was very interested in our new productions, and he told us his whole scene-life story.
Is that really 26 years ago... ? That must be nostalgy.. - isokadded on the 2017-07-21 21:20:45
- demo Amiga AGA spiked & spiced by Focus Design [web]
- I like the music, its great! Godt gået, Frank.
And congratulations with the 3. place, Søren. :) - isokadded on the 2014-10-21 19:48:44
- demo ZX Spectrum Gm BiT
- The Spectrum has a bitmap with 8 pix per byte, like the C64 hires screen.
But it is true that the color-screen is a character screen excatly like the C64, so you guessed that right :)
This scroll princip should be easy:
Draw (up to) 6 rows of sinus plots based on the 5 pixels font, and then do a logical eor/xor vertical fill of the whole screenarea.
- isokadded on the 2013-01-20 13:32:24
- demo ZX Spectrum Gm BiT
- Nice effect!
I remember the big scrolll in "Lethal Formula" we made in Cult in 1991 on Amiga used a similar method as you described.
My guess here, would be to make some (0 to 5) pairs of rows of plots horizontally and then make a total vertical fill of the whole screen then. Also remember that the Spectrum has no characterscreen, but it has more CPU power(3,5 mHz, i remember?), so a vert-fill would be very suitable, i guess.
Lets see this effect on Oric ;) - rulezadded on the 2013-01-20 11:22:40
- 40k Amiga AGA Haribo Mapping by Gunnars Farvebio [web]
- Thankyou for the comment :)
This intro came 2. in the compo.
"Placebo" by Depth came 1.
- isokadded on the 2011-04-07 08:02:57
- 256b Commodore 64 324 proper by Booze Design
- This is the old scene spirit like 20 years ago :)
Nice trick to make text only use 16 different letters ;) I was in fact thinking of this idea yesterday... but I was appearently not the only one.. ;)
I have a suggestion for next improvement: make the text as the first half of a long palindrome (and then reverse the other half programatically in run time..) - rulezadded on the 2010-12-09 15:34:17
account created on the 2003-10-17 08:27:27