mxadd information 68 glöps

- general:
- level: user
- personal:
- first name: Mariusz
- last name: Szaflik
screenshots added 13 glöps
- 1k JavaScript Plane Parasite by ADDiCT [web]
- 512b JavaScript Other World by ADDiCT [web]
- 512b JavaScript Forcefields by ADDiCT [web]
- 256b MS-Dos Hollow Halls by ADDiCT [web]
- 128b MS-Dos Turbulences by ADDiCT [web]
- 512b Windows (R)Evolution! by ADDiCT [web]
- 1k Windows Alien City by ADDiCT [web]
- 8k Windows DROIDS by ADDiCT [web]
- 512b Windows Spherical
- 256b MS-Dos Race to the DeadLine by ADDiCT [web]
- 128b MS-Dos Suburbs by ADDiCT [web]
- 512b MS-Dos Metropolis by ADDiCT [web]
- 1k Windows Countdown to Extinction by ADDiCT [web]
account created on the 2021-08-24 09:50:08