PulkoMandy information 386 glöps
- general:
- level: user
- personal:
- first name: Adrien
- last name: Destugues
- portals:
- demozoo: profile
- cdcs:
- cdc #1: Batman Forever by Batman Group
prods added 50 x 2 = 100 glöps
- invitation Amstrad Plus The party is next weekend and no one has released an invitro by Shinra [web]
- intro Thomson Bonne Année 2023 by Wide Dot [web]
- game Thomson Sonic the Hedgehog 2 by Wide Dot [web]
- 1k Amstrad CPC 1Kraftwerk by Shinra [web]
- demotool Amstrad Plus Soundtracker DMA by Futurs [web]
- intro BeOS BeNICCC 2000 by Shinra [web]
- game Thomson Alien Omelette by Shinra [web]
- 8k BeOS Grey Screen With No Music by Shinra [web]
- 1k Amstrad CPC 1Kusai by Shinra [web]
- demotool Wild bitbox chiptracker by Shinra [web]
- 1k Amstrad CPC Bit Defender 8 by Shinra [web]
- 40k game Amstrad CPC ZNAX by Shinra [web]
- 1k Thomson Bloody Run by PULS [web]
- 1k Thomson When rings become pumpkins by PULS [web]
- 1k Thomson TopOPop by PULS [web]
- 1k Thomson PiMiTV by PULS [web]
- 1k Thomson ROCK FORT by PULS [web]
- 1k Thomson Jailhouse blues by PULS [web]
- Thomson Elvis Lives ! slideshow by PULS [web]
- 16k Thomson F-14 - Forever Young by Shinra [web] & just for fun [web]
- intro Thomson hny2013 by PULS [web]
- 256b Thomson 2049 bits by PULS [web]
- 256b Thomson TOale by PULS [web]
- intro Thomson ALIEN MESSAGE by Shinra [web]
- Windows Thomson Skyrim by Samuel Devulder
- wild Wild Oscillofun by Atom Delta [web]
- diskmag Thomson TEO Drive #4 by Association pour les Services Connexes à l'Informatique
- diskmag Thomson TEO Drive #3 by Association pour les Services Connexes à l'Informatique
- diskmag Thomson TEO Drive #2 by Association pour les Services Connexes à l'Informatique
- diskmag Thomson TEO Drive #1 by Association pour les Services Connexes à l'Informatique
- 32k Windows Thomson Oh la belle bleue! by PULS [web]
- 512b Thomson First Ever by Shinra [web]
- 8k procedural graphics Amstrad CPC The Landscape Creator by Brian James
- 4k Wild High Resolution Graphics by Avian [web]
- 1k Wild Particle by Avian [web]
- 1k Wild Stars by Avian [web]
- 1k Wild Fire by Avian [web]
- Thomson TruC216i by PULS [web]
- Thomson TruC80i by PULS [web]
- Thomson TruC40 by PULS [web]
- Thomson TruC70 by PULS [web]
- demotool BeOS Sawteeth 1.2 by Linefeed
- intro Amstrad CPC Plasma Pas Cher by Shinra [web]
- demo Thomson Voxels by PULS [web]
- 256b Amstrad CPC Rotater Pas Cher by Shinra [web]
- demotool BeOS Linux Windows Amiga PPC/RTG MacOSX PPC GamePark GP2X FreeBSD MacOSX Intel SGI/IRIX Grafx2 by Sunset Design & Shinra [web]
- 256b Amstrad CPC Flipster by Shinra [web]
- 256b Amstrad CPC COStimus by Shinra [web]
- 256b Amstrad CPC TWiSTeR.PaS.CHeR by Shinra [web]
- musicdisk Amstrad CPC PulkoMandy's Music Disc by PulkoTeam [web]
account created on the 2006-08-12 22:48:49