fuck you and you information 8 glöps

- general:
- level: user
- personal:
- first name: fuck
- last name: yabish
bbs posts 15 posts
- 3D Printed DUCK.3DS (offtopic)
- WHDLoad Demo Patches (general)
- WHDLoad Demo Patches (general)
- A list of oldschool demoeffects... (code)
- Scene.org Awards discontinued (general)
- Amiga - native Paula sound (general)
- File .PSX ? (general)
- Adok (residue)
- Mantle - a new low-level API for AMD GPUs (code)
- Playstation 4 - Xbox 1 demos (neoGAF thread) (general)
- Playstation 4 - Xbox 1 demos (neoGAF thread) (general)
- Playstation 4 - Xbox 1 demos (neoGAF thread) (general)
- Playstation 4 - Xbox 1 demos (neoGAF thread) (general)
- Playstation 4 - Xbox 1 demos (neoGAF thread) (general)
- accessing stack variables with inline assembly for gnu c (68000 assembly) (code)
account created on the 2013-09-19 12:39:54